Belstone  South Tawton  South Zeal  Sticklepath

Under Cosdon Beacon Dartmoor Devon UK

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I am writing this in mid July, as we have company coming for the last week in the month, which is always the busiest time for getting the monthly edition out.

It has been a very busy month locally, with one and sometimes two major events each week and the usual sprinkling of other happenings to keep everyone busy. I managed to get my camera to three of the events - South Tawton Summer Fair, Belstone Village Revels and the South Tawton School Barbeque. These are all on the Journal Index page.

In addition I have reworked the Parish Day photographs and added these on to the Annual Events page. The total volume has been reduced, allowing me to increase the size to our normal 300 pixels. I have also added some extra pictures not shown before including some video stills, so that we have a more complete coverage of the whole day.

Something crazy has been happening to our site statistics. I don't know it the level of interest will continue but it looks as if July will be our best month ever. And the mystery is Ecuador. Up until the middle of the month we were getting more hits from that country than from the UK, something like 30 hits a day. This has tailed off now but it's puzzling.

My own target now is to cover the Dartmoor Folk Festival and the Okehampton show in August and that will complete my major local event coverage until next year. This year I missed the South Zeal Open Gardens and several Sticklepath events.

I mentioned last month that I would be reviewing the site's future in July. At that time I was getting overwhelmed with other work and was generally downcast by the lack of publicity for local events coming to me directly. Lamp posts - yes, the web site - never!

Since then, I have rearranged the site so that I am not dependent on waiting for contributions. What comes to me will be published, as I receive it; what doesn't, may get a mention on the Events Calendar, if I learn of it, else it will just not appear.

My other intention is to make my own comment on the page shorter and to restrict it to highlighting the month's new content. So, with that, I'll shut up.


ps Have been inside Oke Castle, visited Drogo and seen Robin Hood with family. Also been filming the cutting of wheat straw for re thatch of St Andrews. Pics to follow!

The Journal Village Correspondents

Most of you will already know our Village Correspondents. They are -

BELSTONE - Chris Walpole - acclaimed cricketer, film producer, author and intrepid explorer and a member of the Belstone Village Hall Committee. e-mail :

- Barry and Joyce Woods. If anyone knows their way around this area (and therefore knows all the Village news) it's the owners of Dartmoor Dairy. e-mail :

SOUTH ZEAL - Robin Tilley. Parish Councilor, Lawman, Photographer, Tractor Driver and now, daredevil flyer over the Beacon Villages area. e-mail :

STICKLEPATH - I have heard nothing from Sticklepath for several months now. I have contacted Sticklepath Parish Council who have promised to try and find a village correspondent to cover their area.

EDITOR - Pete Kilgannon. e-mail : You may not know me, but you can't have failed to notice my wife's car - the scary green Volkswagen Lupo with the sticker for her horse's web site : (That plug should ensure I get a good dinner!)

If you prefer to identify with your own village, you can log on to this site by entering your choice of the names below -   www.


Please keep your requests and submissions coming. No local event, attraction or service will be turned away. Either e-mail us from the links above or, if you have photos or copy you wish to submit personally, you can either pass them to your Village Correspondent or bring them or post them to - Ivy Cottage, Ramsley, SOUTH ZEAL, Devon EX20 2LB. All items will be scanned into the computer and your originals returned unharmed.
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