I would like to believe this month's stats, in fact I do believe them, I just don't understand them. Robin was talking to someone the other day and they suggested that the high numbers of visits from the US west coast were from search engine robots. The stats do include these hits. as do the stats for all other web sites, but I can isolate them and they are not the reason for our soaring figures this month.
Early in the month I noticed some abnormally high figures from Ecuador, rivaling those from the UK. By about the 17th these appeared to be tailing off. Now today, the 22nd, a figure of 221 visits from Ecuador was recorded by 4 pm. What is strange also is the duration, many of half an hour or more. No robot stays for more than a few seconds. What I suspect is happening is that these good folk have found a way to make money from the site's numerous photos. Good luck to them if this is true. I would love to think that pictures of our lovely Dartmoor villages are spreading around the world - or, at least, around Ecuador!