It was a typical English summer's day (raining) and, what with having covered the South Tawton and Belstone Revels the previous week and the timing of this event clashing with the time we normally see to our horses, I was a bit loathe to go along. However, I forced myself to rush home, change out of my 'horsey' clothes and drive along to the school with my camera, only to find that parking was impossible. Eventually, by driving round via South Tawton, I made it. I walked about, in and out of the usual very long queue for the barbie and got a number of shots of the fun. Then, needing to go home for my tea, I looked about for a way of making a 'thank you' donation. I noticed a tiny space where raffle tickets were being sold and waited patiently for the two ladies in front of me to move away. Finally, as they did, Clifford White (local farmer and parish councillor) stepped smartly in front of me. Then, I saw his wife, Vera, coming in behind so I thrust some cash at her and asked her to get some tickets.
Now, the next bit of this story is embarrassing, for it might make me seem to be boasting about what a wonderful chap I am, but really, it is too funny not to relate, so I'll have to take that risk. A few hours later, I was processing the photos when there was a ring of the door bell and I went down stairs to find Carol talking to Sharon from the school. She was carrying a bag full of prizes together with an envelope of cash for the first prize. We kept three of the small prizes to donate to SWEP for their fund raising but returned the cash prize to the school. I had wanted to give a donation and fortunately now, I was able to give a much bigger one. Not such a rainy day, after all! |