Belstone  South Tawton  South Zeal  Sticklepath

Under Cosdon Beacon Dartmoor Devon UK

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Area Weather

This is just a brief note for the first week of the month.

June has been a really busy time in the area There was the South Tawton Parish Day which was a resounding success, the South Zeal Open Gardens which suffered the first day of the change in the weather from glorious sunshine to rain. Sticklepath had the first Real Ale Festival, the Summer Ball, the Tea Dance and the Chess Festival and Belstone had its Boot sale. In addition there were the Netball competition and the Eastlake Barn Dance as well as the Quiz night, the Story Tellers, the Hosta Open Gardens and, to cap it all, the European Elections.

Everyone had been saying how badly we needed the rain and, now that their prayers have been answered, they are maybe having second thoughts.

The site stats appear to be up again with the number of visitors staying longer, as well.

I personally have been trying to catch up on some decorating about the house and the building of other web sites so, as usual, the end of the month suddenly becomes a rush I have been looking back to the start of this site and trying to determine its future. It is this that I will comment on, after July gets underway.

New entries : The first of an occasional page from Doreen in Australia ; A press release from The Dartmoor National Park; Two new pages of photos, one each for South Tawton and Belstone.


ps One final thing. I have again been asked how to get the full width of this site on screen without needing to scroll. Simple set your screen to 1024 x 768 pixel size. On a blank screen, right click, choose 'properties' and then the 'settings' tag. You can then reset your screen. If you don't like it, you can reset it.

The Journal Village Correspondents

Most of you will already know our Village Correspondents. They are -

BELSTONE - Chris Walpole - acclaimed cricketer, film producer, author and intrepid explorer and a member of the Belstone Village Hall Committee. e-mail :

- Barry and Joyce Woods. If anyone knows their way around this area (and therefore knows all the Village news) it's the owners of Dartmoor Dairy. e-mail :

SOUTH ZEAL - Robin Tilley. Parish Councilor, Lawman, Photographer, Tractor Driver and now, daredevil flyer over the Beacon Villages area. e-mail :

STICKLEPATH - Peter Williams, promoter of the Village Hall and the Sticklepath & Okehampton Conservation Group provides the words to go with Ian Bowkley's photos (past Conservation Group and Cogs & Wheels husband!) e-mail : and

EDITOR - Pete Kilgannon. e-mail : You may not know me, but you can't have failed to notice my wife's car - the scary green Volkswagen Lupo with the sticker for her horse's web site : (That plug should ensure I get a good dinner!)

If you prefer to identify with your own village, you can log on to this site by entering your choice of the names below -   www.


Please keep your requests and submissions coming. No local event, attraction or service will be turned away. Either e-mail us from the links above or, if you have photos or copy you wish to submit personally, you can either pass them to your Village Correspondent or bring them or post them to - Ivy Cottage, Ramsley, SOUTH ZEAL, Devon EX20 2LB. All items will be scanned into the computer and your originals returned unharmed.
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