As ever this year, the weekend of Zayle Fayre gave pleasure to many. After the frenetic activity of Saturday, Sunday took its rather more relaxed form yet again. The tennis court was busy all day with children from the age of 7 to 60+ letting rip. Sarah Bell and Simon Jefferies ran the day, making sure that everyone had a good time. The youngest group had a number who shared the prizes, but amongst the intermediate group, Luke Jeffries was the sole winner. while Harriet Davis took the honours in the older childrens group.
Over the river the cricketers were hard at work. The Sticklepath Pros beat the South Zeal Amateurs but it was a near run thing! All the participants were aided in their endevours by drink excellently supplied by Mr Souness and food supplied to a memorable standard by Mr Redstone.
The weather was kind and a good time was had by one and all.