Beacon Villages Journal
The Pram Race 2004
Someone said to me the other day that it is always bad weather for the Pram Race. This didn't feel right to me, as my memory is of the weather being good for those years that I remember. But, this year, I was very, very wrong. It was WET! I decided on a change of tactic and, instead of going to the start at Reddaways yard and seeing them all stand around, having a practice drink before setting off, I would wait for them this year, outside the Seven Stars in South Tawton, where I could maybe shelter in the doorway. Because of this, I waited to give the entrants time to get to the other pubs first, before setting out. quite misjudging the speed they would travel. Because of this, I must apologise to the fastest, as they had gone past the Seven Stars by the time I arrived and so, I do not have any shots of them. The shots I did get were pretty poor because the rain was slanted right into the camera and, despite frequent lens wiping, as soon as I pointed the camera up again, the lens got rain spotted again. And, my final apology - just as I had misjudged the speed of the first, I also misjudged the slowness of the last and used all my memory up (digital camera) before the stragglers arrived. I did, at least, get to wave to these, as I drove home to dry out.

ps The official title of the race is the Sticklepath Pram Race, because it is organised and raises funds for the Sticklepath Sports Club. I have omitted the 'Sticklepath' purely on terms of space and, for those who do not know our area, who may not realise that the route covers three villages and as many pubs as possible.