Beacon Villages Journal   Richard Knights on Dartmoor

There is always a mad rush in the last week of any month to get the following month's issue of the Villages Journal ready for publication. I am always expecting that I won't have enough material, that people won't send me stuff on time and, most recently, that my computer, which is suffering from an intermittent disk fault, will let me down at the last moment. And then, when I finally get the new edition out, there is a blissful few days, at the start of the month, when I can do just what I want.

It was during one of these days, early in September, that I was just looking around on the net for pure enjoyment and I came across Richard Knights' site "Dartmoor Walks". You probably know that I am fairly keen on photography and love to take pictures of the area of Dartmoor where I live. Well, Richard's site is full of photographs which really blew my mind. When you go on his site there are many pictures of the size you see on our pages. 'Very interesting', you think. But click on those pictures, and you will be transported to scenes that our bronze age ancestors must have looked upon. You will find yourself in the world of Dartmoor skies and granite monuments, of track ways and stone circles, tors and pools.

I was so enthralled by my experience just wandering through these Dartmoor scenes that I had to e-mail the author, Richard Knights and thank him. He was kind enough to reply "It's very cheering to get comments like yours. Dartmoor is such a great place." I am copying a few of the photos to give give an idea of what to expect. But don't take my word for it, go and see for yourself. If, like me, you can't do the walks then this is the very best next thing. Enjoy!

View towards Belstone Cairn OS SX 637915 Raybarrow Pool
South Zeal Peat Track 'The Graveyard'

The pictures on this page are the copyright of Richard Knights. They may be freely used for non-commercial purposes although a credit would be courteous.

If you wish to use any of these pictures for other than personal or educational use then contact Richard Knights at