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Welcome to the Autumn Term

We know you will join us in welcoming
Sarah Bazeley. She was the successful applicant for the Teaching Assistant position.

All clubs will commence week beginning 13 th September


For outdoor activities, please will parents ring into school at 3pm if the weather is wet to confirm whether the club will be taking place.


Please collect your children from the playground at 4.30pm ( 4.15pm for Y2 Creative Club) prompt, children will not be allowed to leave the premises until collected by a responsible adult.

Volunteers Wanted

Martin Unwin would be pleased to hear from any parents/friends who would be able to commit some time to helping with the Environmental Club on Tuesday afternoons.

Caroline Boother would like more volunteers to assist in walking the children from the Recreation Ground Car Park to school in the morning please.

FOSTPS AGM – Monday 13 th September 7pm School Hall

All parents and friends are invited to attend the AGM, new members are urgently required so come along and hear what we achieved last year and let us have your ideas for the forthcoming year! Wine and nibbles will be served.

FOSTPS Adults 60's & 70's Disco

This will be held at Belstone Village Hall on Friday 24 th September from 8pm . There will be a bar and refreshments available. Authentic attire is welcome but not essential!

South Zeal Pre-School Coffee Morning

The Pre-School will be holding a ‘Come and Play' coffee morning on Saturday 11 th September in the Victory Hall between 10am and 12 noon . There will be all the usual pre-school activities plus a cake stall and draw, items for which would be very much appreciated. Everyone welcome to join them.

South Zeal Pre-School Social Evening and AGM

This will be held on Friday 24 th September at 7.45pm in the Victory Hall. Everyone with an interest in the Pre-School will be very welcome.

Footsteps School of Dance

We have been asked to advertise this new opportunity for Modern and Tap Dance Classes to be held at the Ockment Centre in Okehampton on Tuesday afternoons. Starting on Tuesday 14 th September there will be 3/4hr classes for ages 5-8 at 4.15pm , age 8/10 at 5.45pm and age 10/14 at 7.15pm . There are also adult classes available. For more information please contact: Mandy Williams, FOOTsteps School of Dance 01822 618851. Enrolment forms and details also available from the Ockment Centre or by calling 0790 989062.

Parent Governor Vacancy

There is a vacancy for one parent governor. If you would like to put your name forward, please contact Patricia Glover. If there is more than one nomination then there will be an election.

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