Would you like to donate to charity without it costing you a penny?
Would you like to help rescue mistreated and abandoned horses and ponies like Guinevere below, provide veterinary care,
rehabilitation, training and re-homing on a loan basis, with follow up inspection and advice to ensure their welfare for life!
Near to death, last year
standing but starving
Guinevere today - SWEP's mascot
There is now a way to do this if you are thinking of buying a book, CD, DVD or any of the items below for yourself or your children or as a birthday present for someone. If you purchase it from Amazon by using one of the the links below, South West Equine Protection (SWEP) will get a 6% donation from Amazon. The individual items shown are just a sample of what is available. Use the search facility to find the item you want.
If you were not going to buy anything or if you can get the item quicker or cheaper from your local store, then don't use the links (except maybe to browse and compare prices).
If you just want to make a donation to SWEP you can do this by debit/credit card on our Welcome page or the SWEP page.
Those of you who use Amazon, already know how they got to be number one for safe, on line shopping. Now it's time for them to give a little back!
This facility is open to everyone, all over the world, not just in the UK so why not take the chance to make a life or death difference for a suffering equine?