It all came about like this. As we are having company at the end of the month, I thought I would try and get as much of the August edition ready before they came. When I put may mind to the Photo Album, I realised that, although I had loads for the Events and Flora categories, I had very little to consider for the Animals section. Thinking about it, I realised that, while I had plenty of cats and horses (mine), dogs (all over) and sheep and cows (local farmer's), I had never featured a pig! I had seen some, at a distance, when I had driven from Whiddon Down back to the village, so I picked up my camera and, armed with Carol's shopping list, I set off to Happy Hogs.
On getting there, after buying my dinner, I enquired who I needed to see for permission to get some piggy photos and was told " the man in the bungalow, behind". I walked round the back, found the bungalow and knocked and was greeted by a barking Irish Wolfhound, Now, I used to own a Wolfhound some years ago, so we had a long conversation through the glass but, as no man appeared, I said goodbye and wandered about looking for my man. Eventually I found him, mending the water supply in a neighbours field which had been kicked over by some cows. He kindly took me over the road to where his pigs were just about to be fed and pointed out how to get the best positions.
It turns out, that he is no longer associated with Happy Hogs (apart from selling them some meat) but has set up on his own as :
Martins Park Farm - Free Range Pork and Dartmoor Lamb
If you want to stock your freezer or just want some excellent meat for you dinner or barbeque, you can get him on 01647 231617
In the meantime, just enjoy the following photos -