South Tawton
18th October, 1933.
My dear People,
It is a far cry from Glasgow to SouthTawton, but Devon has always made a very strong appeal to me, and now I have been given an opportunity of serving in a delightful part of the country, and of having in my care a glorious old Church of which you all are so justly proud.
Country life will be a great change after a long residence in the second city of the empire, but my wife and I are both looking forward to a very happy, and, we hope, useful life in your midst. Doubtless, it will take some little time to make a full round of the parish, but it will be our endeavour to accomplish this as soon as possible.
We shall try to get to know every body and to know everybody well.
My induction will probably take place early in November, and I would ask for your prayers in the meantime that my ministry may be richly blessed, and the Vicar and Parishioners of South Tawton with Zeal may be a truly happy and united family.
Looking forward to seeing you all all the near future.
I am, yours sincerly,
The Harvest Festival was held on Sunday, 1st October. The Services, which were well attended, were taken by the Rev. A. J. Baker. The usual custom of decorating the Church was continued; the fruit and vegetables were afterwards given to the Okehampton and District Cottage Hospital. The collections, amounting to £4 18s. 8d., were divided between the Okehampton and District Cottage Hospital and the West of England Eye Infirmary. In the afternoon the children had their annual Egg Service. The eggs were given to the local Hospital.
On Sunday, the 15th, the annual House-to- House Collection was made in South Tawton, Belstone and Sticklepath, when the sum of £ 16 7s. 2½d. was raised. This Collection was unavoidably postponed, owing to the living being vacant, its usual date being August. The following collectors, organised by Mr. J. Cooper; Messrs. J. Aggett, R. Beer, T. Crocker, J. Hooper, E. Mallett, J. Redstone and D. Wonnacott, deserve our best thanks, their task being no light one.
The death of Miss A, M, Hobson, aMember of the Church Council, and also a prominent Member of several other local activities, has removed a worker who will be sadly missed. The funeral, which took place on Saturday, 30th Sept, was conducted by the late Vicar, the Rev, E. A. Thornton, was attended by a large number of Parishioners, representative of the Church Council, British Legion and Women's Institute.
A Jumble Sale in aid of the South Tawton, Gidleigh and Throwleigh District Nursing Association, was held in the Victory Hall, on Oct 18th. This was followed by a Whist Drive, the M.C. being Mr. T, Wright. The total sum taken was about £16.
The Institution and Induction of our new Vicar we hope will be early in November. A
Meeting of the Church Council will be held as soon as definite information is available,
The arrangements will be made known as early as possible. Mrs. Burton has arrived in our midst to prepare for the Rev. Burton's arrival. Will everyone please make every effort and do fill in their power to make the welcome as friendly and happy as possible, so that the Vicar's first impression of us will be a pleasant one. We all trust that his stay will be long, and his ministry greatly blessed. His letter of introduction is printed in this issue.
No doubt everyone will be pleased to know that the debt on the Tower and Bells, etc has now been cleared, so that the new Vicar will come to us without a mill stone round his neck.
Oct. 8. - Margaret Rose Gratton..
18. - Albert Cyril Wonnacott.
BURIAL. Sept. 30. - Amy Mary Hobson.
Nov. 5.-116. 117, 128, 12$f, 130, 131,
12.-118. 132, 133, 134.
19,-110,133. 137,138, 139,
26-145, 146. 147, 148, 149, 150.
Dec. 3.-1, 7. 46,48,
Hon. Sec. Parochial Church Council.