Quiz night Sunday 13th June
Why do we seem to arrange these nights to coincide with England playing in a football tournament?
Who knows... but who cares, not those who made it to the Kings Arms, for yet another Goodwin's brain teaser of an evening.
12 teams were tested on every subject known to man (well it seemed like it) but could the quizmaster be beaten?
No I don't think so!
Thanks to all those who attended and thanks once again to Jim for the questions and to Richard and Cindy for their support.
Clay Pigeon Shoot 26th June
Trying different ways to raise funds for the Carnival is always a challenge, so when the idea of a clay pigeon shoot was raised, we thought why not give it a go.
Together with the help of friends who have organised these things before we held a shoot in the Vicarage Field, South Tawton .
A wet start to the day did not bode well so we were all concerned that people might not turn up, but after a slow start, shooters from both away and locally arrived to enjoy some friendly rivalry
Some of the ladies on our committee provided a BBQ and a raffle was held for a bottle of whiskey.
A profit was made from the event to go to carnival funds and we again have people from outside our committee to thank for the help and support.
A particular mention to John Darch for allowing us to use the field.