Future secure for historic house
South Tawton 's ancient Church House is to benefit from a grant of £274,000 awarded from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to enable vital renovation to be carried out. The building, one of the best examples of a mediaeval Church House in the country, was erected in the late 15th or early 16th century, still remains in parish ownership and has been used by the community for over 500 years. The HLF grant will be used for essential work including re-thatching, renovations to the fabric of the building, upgrading of access arrangements and improved facilities; making it more accessible to local people and others interested in their heritage. Once renovated, Church House will continue to be used for community activities but will also be opened to the general public at weekends from May to October or by arrangement. Activities planned for the restored building including art exhibitions, local history study meetings, educational usage, and lectures. The work hoped to start in October 2004, will be carried out under the supervision of a specially appointed architect with wide experience of heritage building work.
Lovely Day
Didn't we have a lovely day, the day we went to Exmouth, is likely to be a refrain heard around South Zeal, Sticklepath and Belstone during the winter months thanks to the revival of the annual charabanc outing by the Rev. Michael Thayer that is proving popular. The once-a-year trip by coach to the seaside was, for many older parishioners when they were children, a long awaited event that was probably the only holiday away from home they had. The sight of the sea for the first time was a thrill never forgotten and even sand-laced sandwiches were a feast. In reviving the outing, and selecting Exmouth as the destination for an August 28th trip, the vicar and his helpers sparked off interest that could see an annual reinstatement of the charabanc since very few tickets remain available and any wishing to have a lovely day out, leave at nine, back about six, should contact Michael on 01837 849048 if they don't want to miss this very special bus.
SATS and sausages
Pupils and staff at South Tawton County Primary School have much to celebrate since receiving the news of good results achieved in this years' Key Stage 2 SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) and with the school's annual barbecue being held in their playing field on Saturday 17TH July an ideal opportunity to celebrate with local people. While SATS results have always been generally very good, this years results are, overall, the best ever with 90% of the cohort achieving Level 4 or above in English and Maths and 97% Level 4 or above in Science. More sizzling success will be demonstrated by the school orchestra that opens the barbecue evening at 5.00p.m. as the sausages and burgers are prepared, the stalls, games and pony rides provide valued goods and lots of fun for all age groups. The stalls will include Bric-a-brac, books, toys, plants, vegetables and cakes. This year there will be a Chocolate stall instead of the usual bottle stall, visitors will be able to take the opportunity to 'Adopt a Soft Toy' and the Y6 children will have their usual array of competition stalls.
Farewell and welcome brownies party
All former South Zeal Brownies and their parents have been invited along to a party in Victory Hall on Monday, 19th July, from 6.00 - 7.00p.m. to welcome the new team of organisers, and to thank Jill Watson and Pat Thomson, former Brown Owl and Tawny Owl, for their 25 years in Guiding. Those intending to go are asked to let Jane Warren on 01837 840826 know, and to please bring any photos they have of their time in the Brownies with them.
Tuition from BBC Musicians of the year **
As part of its weeks' Music Workshops events, on Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th July, South Tawton County Primary School will be hosting two visiting musicians, Owen Gunnell (percussion) the BBC Young Musician of the Year winner 2000 and Magnus Johnston (violin), BBC Young Musician of the Year strings finalist 1998. Arranged through the Two Moors Festival organisation and funded by the Friends of the school group the two musicians will be working with the Y3 and Y4 children on their performance. ** (photo opportunity perhaps ?)
Arts and crafts at Belstone
The first 'special interest session' organised by the Belstone arts and crafts group takes place on Tuesday morning, 20th July between 9.30 and 12.30 in Belstone Village Hall. Stella Hudson will be there to reveal some of the intricacies of Calligraphy and anyone interested is invited to attend for only £2. The group meets each Tuesday morning in the hall to share mutual interests in arts and crafts with like-minded people and to learn from each other and welcomes others to join them.
Sunday cream teas at Belstone
Every Sunday afternoon throughout July and August Belstone offers home-baked cream teas and cakes in the Village Hall. Visitors can enjoy a stroll, leisurely or energetic, in that lovely corner of the moor, then stop for refreshments provided by local people to help the community.