The pavilion is a modern,
clean and bright amenity, for the parish to enjoy and make use
The meeting room (some would say a mini hall) has catering facilities adjoining.
Changing and shower facilities are available, for the use
of sporting events held in the field, and also for the home games
of South Zeal United.
The Snooker Room has facilities to be proud of and
enjoy. It is equipped with a new table and one
of the existing tables has been improved and re-clothed. It
has a warm and welcoming atmosphere and those with an interest in the game can now take advantage of
what must be one of the best facilities in the area. It is available from 10am-10.30pm
To play on a regular basis, membership is required. A member is permitted
to have a guest player, on an infrequent basis
South Zeal currently have 2 snooker teams playing in the Okehampton League and,
with an increase in membership,
this can rise to 3 teams or more if those playing wish to compete.
Membership runs from April 1st-31st March.
Cost £20, Junior membership, for under 16s, £10.
All membership enquiries contact
Charlie Curtis 01837 840864 or Edgar Hucker 01837 840347