I am still waiting for a resolution to my recent complaint to the West Devon Borough Council. They have replied and I have been back to them, a couple of times, for some clarification. I will let you have all the details once the issue is either resolved or moves on to the Ombudsman. Whatever the outcome, it is worth knowing that one can get access to our representatives, for whatever reason. My purpose in listing all the councillors and their contact addresses is to enable this two way communication. There is no reason why this should not be used for praise as well as complaints - I have only given the complaints address on its own because there is not a page for compliments. If you have seen the page on Re-cycling, you will have seen that I am very happy to praise the Council when they do a good job. Similarly, I have included the 'Fax Your MP' link as this does enable us to easily and quickly get into dialogue with our national representative.