I'm not really sure where the name comes from. If you ask Richard, he'll probably tell you, it is from the name of his Phoenix Room, which is the place that these narrations take place. Ask Hannah or any of the good lady wives or girl friends and they will place the emphasis much more on the 'story telling' than on anything arising from the ashes. How much of the inspiration comes from the bard and how much from the bottle is for you to find out when you come along ....
Quiz Master Goodwin
Get those funds of knowledge out to help fund this year's Carnival
Let the answers just float off your tongues
Become the Prince or Princess of the evening
£6 per team of 4
Carnival Quiz Night
13th June 7.30 pm
Other Locals If any of the other locals in the area - The Oxenham Arms, The Seven Stars, The Taw River, The Devonshire Inn and The Tors would like us to publicise their monthly event programmes, just let me have them. I do the King's Arms because Richard gives me the details.