Andy White has been doing a bit of clearing up and came across some old photos and parish magazines. Here are a few extracts from them.
FAIRS and MARKETS (1891)
Ashburton - F - March 6, June 5, Aug 12, Nov 11. M - Third Saturday in each month.
Axminster - F - 1st Tuesday after April 25 and June 24, 1st Wednesday after Oct 10. M - alternate Thursdays.
Bampton - F - Wednesday before March 25, Whit Tues, last Thurs in Oct; c, h, sh, last Wed. in Nov. M - Sat.
Barnstaple - F - Friday before 3rd Sat in March, Friday before April 21, Friday before last Sat in July, Tues. and Wed. before Sep. 20; c, sh, second Friday in Dec. M - Tues. and Friday.
Bideford - F - Feb. 14. M - Tuesday (gt. mkt.), Sat. (small).
Bow - F - 3rd Thurs. in each month, March I I (gt. mkt.), Holy Thurs., Tues. nearest Nov. 22. M - Thurs.
Bratton Fleming - F - May 28, Aug. 13.
Bratton Clovelly - F - Aug. 13, May 28.
Bridestow - F - 1st Wed in June, July 29.
Burrington - F - Trinity Monday.
Chagford - F - Last Thurs. in March, 1st Thurs. in May, last Thurs. in Sep., last Thurs. in Oct. c. sh. M - Thurs.
Chawleigh - F -1st Tuesday in May.
Chulmleigh - F - Easter Wed., last Wed. in July, c, sh.
Crediton - F - May 11, if Tues, Wed, or Thursday, if not then Tues. after (c), Aug. 23 if Tues. Wed, or Thurs, if not then Tues. after (pl), Sep. 20 if Tues, Wed, or Thurs, if not then Tues. after (c), second. Sat. in each month c. M - Sat.
Dawlish - F - (pl) Easter Monday, April 22. M - Third Monday in each month.
Dolton - F - Wed. before March 25, Thurs. on or before October I.
Eggesford - M - 2nd Wednesday in each month except Dec. when it is the 1st Wed.
Exeter - F - 3rd Wednesday in Feb., 3rd Wed. in May, last Wed. in July, 2nd Wed. in Dec., 2nd Friday in each month gt. mkt. M - Tues., Fri., Sat.
Exminster - F - May 27, c
Exmouth - F - April 26, Oct. 28, (gen) M - Tues. & Sat.
Hatherlelgh - F - May 23rd, June 24th, Sep. 6, Nov 8, or ':Tuesday after c. gen. M - Tuesday.
High Bickington - F - Monday after May 14, Dec. 21.
Holsworthy - F - Third Friday in April c, sh. h. pl; St. Peter's Fair July 9,10,11 - 9; c,sh.h; 10, h, pl.; 11 pl . April and October old chartered Fairs are restored; the Fairs to be held for accommodation, the 3rd Wednesday in each month gt. c. m. days. M - Wed.; great c. sh. h, every third Wed, except July month when St. Peter's fair is being held:
Honiton - F - Wednesday and Thursday after July 19. M - Every Saturday. Half-yearly (gt. m.) 2nd Saturday in April, and Saturday before Oct. 18.
Ilfracombe - F - ApriI14, Saturday after August 23rd (gt. mt.) M - Saturday.
Modbury - F - May 4, h, 2nd Monday in each month c. M - Thursday and Sat.
Morebath - F - Monday after August 24.
Newton Abbott - F - June 25, September 17. M - Wed.
Morchard Bishop - F - c. h, sh. 22nd April, 14th Sep.
Northmolton - F - Wednesday after May 12, last Wed. in Oct, c. h, sh.
Northtawton - F - 3rd Tuesday in April, 2nd Tuesday in Oct, 3rd Tuesday in December. M - last Thursdays in Feb. June and Aug.
Okehampton - F - 2nd Tuesday after March 11, c; May 14, c; Wednesday after July 5, c; Aug. 5, c, Tuesday after September 11, Thursday after October 11, last Sat. in January, April, July. October gt. mt. M - Sat.
Palgnton - F - Whit Monday, 3rd Mon. in each month, c.
Plymouth - F - 1st Monday in April, 1st Monday in Nov.
2nd Thursday in each month c. M - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
Sidmouth - F - Easter Monday, and 3rd Monday in Sept. M - Tue. and Sat.
South Molton - F - Third Wednesday in June and Wed. after August 25. M - (cattle) 1st Thursday in every month.
Tavistock - F - 2nd Wed in each month (c.) M - Friday.
Teignmouth - F - 3rd Tuesday in January, last Tuesday in Feb., last Tuesday in Sept. pl. M - Sat.
Tiverton - F - 1st Thursday in June and 1st Thursday in October. M - (g. m.) 2nd and last Tuesday in month. M - Tuesday and Sat.
Torrington - F - March 15, May 7, July 5, October 8. M - Orpinory Every Saturday and Wednesday, (during summer months)-(cattle) last Sat. in every month.
Totnes - F - Cattle and Horse fairs on May 12 and Oct. 28. M - Pannier and shamble every Sat. Cattle market 1st Tuesday in each month. .
Witheridge - F - Last Thursday but one in April, Thurs- day after June 24, Thursday before Sep. 29, 1st Thursday in Nov.
We have endeavoured to make the above list as complete as possible, but cannot guarantee its accuracy, nor be responsible for any loss arising from errors. We shall be obliged to Subscribers for any correction they may send us of this list. |