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School Uniform
With South Tawton County Primary School well into the Summer term in very fine weather members of staff are reminding parents and carers that, for all pupils, the wearing of school uniform still applies. There has been particular concern about the shoes that some children are wearing and the advice given is that they should be in sensible, safe, flat shoes - either normal black leather ones or sandals that cover the foot. Strappy open shoes, especially with heels, are dangerous, particularly at break times, and should not be worn. Nail varnish should not be worn in school either but a sun hat is recommended for each child in hot weather. For health, safety and security reasons jewellery is not allow to be worn in school except for stud earrings where a child has recently had their ears pierced. Plain wristwatches are acceptable but children will be required to remove watches for P.E and studs should be removed or taped whilst P.E. is being undertaken.

FOSTPS Curry & Quiz
A big THANK YOU to everyone who made this event such a success,
Twenty-one teams took part in the Quiz Evening organised recently by the Friends of South Tawton County Primary School. A fine curry supper was also enjoyed during the pleasant evening that raised, thanks to all concerned, a very much-appreciated £500.

Come back Brownies
The search is only for ladies who were once Brownies; South Zeal Brownies that is. Jill Watson and Pat Thomson, Brown Owl and Tawny Owl respectively, are retiring at the end of this term and to thank them for their unstinting work, and to welcome the new team, a party is being planned for everyone who has been a South Zeal Brownie or, as a parent, has had a daughter in the Pack. The invitation extended is for those eligible to go along to a tea party to be held on Monday 19 July in the Victory Hall at 6.00pm and, if they have any, to take photos of their time in the Brownies with them.
Jane Warren, on 01837 840826, needs to hear in advance from anyone planning to pop in on the party so that catering for the right numbers can be accomplished and she will be pleased if the list is a long one.

Club exhibition
Okehampton Camera Club is holding an exhibition of the work of its members from 8th - 29th June at the Salar Gallery, 20 Bridge Street, Hatherleigh, open daily 10.00am-5.00pm, admission free but closed on Sundays. Those interested in photography either as beginners or experts will be welcome to view the Club members' work and if interested consider joining the friendly and informal Club which meets fortnightly from September to May. Details of the Club's programme will be available at the gallery.

Foremost Flower Festival
One of Devon 's most renowned annual Flower Festivals takes place from Saturday 5th - Thursday 10th June in Crediton Parish Church and this year celebrates beauty in art, and seeks to mirror it -with all the radiance and loveliness of flowers. As a floral celebration entitled 'In The Eye of the Beholder,' visitors can reliably expect to find excellent and enthralling exhibits yet again. Those that have seen this event grow in stature and splendour year by year will need no encouragement to return to the site of Devon 's Saxon Cathedral, in the birthplace of St Boniface. Others might reflect upon reported past opinions; "Always enchanting,' 'A visual feast for the senses,' 'Food excellent - cakes to die for;' the latter being in response to the excellent catering that can be found at the adjacent Boniface Centre, where there are facilities for disabled visitors, and sample menus can be obtained by group organisers. The exhibition opens daily 10.30am - 8.30pm with closure at 6.00pm on Sunday when Festival Evensong takes place and further information is available from Sue Tremeer on 01363 776336 or visit

Throwleigh Council vacancy
For domestic reasons Mr Norman Tuck has had to resign from the Throwleigh Parish Council and there is now a vacancy for a Councillor. Mr Tuck has been highly regarded for his work on the Council and as a fount of wise words and common sense. His valued contribution to the local community through the Council will certainly be missed. There is a formal procedure to be followed in filling the vacancy and the Parish Clerk is able to informally provide initial guidance in those matters to potential candidates and explain how they can help to enhance the interests of the community.

Parish Tree Warden
The new Tree Warden for the Parish of Throwleigh is Mr David Hatton of Ladymede who can contacted on 01647 231051.

Threat to Parish phone box
British Telecom has found that the Barroway Head telephone kiosk payphone is losing them money and they propose to remove it. Throwleigh Parish Council has put forward a robust protest in opposition, quoting no less than six good reasons for its retention and considers it not unreasonable to hope that community interests will prevail.

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