I am one of those people who finds it almost impossible to throw things away. Carol often decides to chuck something away and replace it with something new (so far, I have survived).If I don't cry, then I get hold of the old thing and put it in my shed. For, you never know, 'it might come in useful' one day.
There is little chance that these Archives will 'come in useful', except as a reminder of how ignorant of web design and naive I was then and so, also, to let me know that I must strive to do better now.
No, where any usefulness does come is in the way that the later editions (where the community started taking a hand in providing the content) will illustrate to future generations, how we lived today. History is all about going back to the original sources but, rather than accepting what is said, trying to understand why it was said in the environment that existed then.
If our Archives show that we were interested in, say, cancer charity runs, or funding carnivals, this will tell history that our generation did not fully fund cancer research out of the public purse or that part of our entertainment consisted in people dressing up and driving around on tractor drawn floats.