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South Tawton Parish Day 2004  
fuel for thought
and second helpings
say that again
preparing the soil
boys toys
does he have to be so noisy
stand up and stretch
the undergrowth
one bench of many
Dave's happy back with trees
smoke signals
catch it
our soccer stadium
watch out below
the team
well I do it this way
bank clearing
on the way home
Clarence gets down to it
another bench
clearing the streets
burning the rubbish
the view from the road
I wonder if they missed us
painting the fence
clearing the stream
Ursula has seen someone
at Moon's Cross
getting down to it
clearing the hedgerows
well, it makes a change from bees
we're being watched
just outside Itton
thirsty work
Bill thanks the community  ...
... and especially ...
... the ram roasters
the kitchen staff
a bite ...
... or two
outdoor service
are we lost, Andy?
a sit down affair
queuing for the roast
waiting til the queue gets shorter
made it!
the hard working gang
waiting for the sports
the egg and sp ...
... collision race
our side's winning
hopping to win
hopping up ...
... and upper
serious egg and spoon
three legs
tonight's entertainment
greeting one's friends
time to go in
Jeremy introduces
the choir
another solo
Moor Harmony fill St Mary's
after the performance
the end of the Parish Day
a Parish boundary stone