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North Tawton  
North Tawton town sign
Bridge spans
Bridge over the Taw

North Tawton is a small town located right in the centre of the county of Devon, within easy reach of the Dartmoor National Park. The River Taw at the eastern approach to the town, gives North Tawton its name and is Celtic for 'silent river'


Town centre
Bridge into town
The town square

Agriculture is a very important industry and North Tawton is situated on a tongue of extremely fertile red soil, very suitable for mixed farming and is the centre of a wool producing area


Clock tower
Town 'all sign
Street scene

The first written evidence of a town comes from the Domesday book in 1086 but there was probably a Saxon Church on the site of the present church of St. Peter A market charter was first granted in 1374 which enabled the Lord of the Manor to exact tolls for all market and fair days. This Charter lapsed in 1730 but the cattle market continued


Scene outside town
The cheese factory

de Bathe pool, a hollow in the ground (on private land) is normally dry but occasionally fills with water Legend has it that this happens when a national figure dies or a catastrophe occurs. It is alleged this occurred when Nelson, Edward VII and George VI died, and at the outbreak of WW1.