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Beacon Villages Journal
Apple Picking & Pressing Days


Sunday 8 October (Picking)
Saturday and Sunday 14 and 15 October (Pressing)

It is that time of year again when we need to pick the apples and get pressing for next year’s vintage!

The proposed dates are set out above, but please note that they could be subject to change if, for example, the apples are not quite ready.

If you can spare the time to help us then we shall be very pleased to hear from you. Please call Robin Tilley on 840654.

Apple picking from 9.00am (or so!) Sunday 8 October. The orchard is near Coleford. We plan to travel in a convoy. We will have trailers, but it will be helpful if you have spare space in your car for the extra bags that we cannot otherwise somehow fit in.

We intend to leave at about 9.00am (or so!). Please rendezvous at Olditch Farm where we shall synchronise watches and then set forth upon our adventure. However, please check the day before in case there has had to be a change of plan. Please call Robin Tilley on 840654.

Apple pressing from 9.00am (or so!) Saturday and Sunday 14 and 15 October. This will be at Townend. You will probably know, or hear on the grapevine as to whether or not the apple picking took place the previous weekend, but if you are in any doubt then please ring the number above to check that the pressing is to happen.

Surplus home apples. If you have your own spare apples that you would like to give for pressing then please leave them (suitably bagged) in the covered barn at Townend (just through the main gate to the side of Townend) but please separate dessert apples from cookers and label the bags appropriately – we need to ensure the mix of apples for pressing is correct.

We cannot use crab apples for cider so please do not deliver these!

By the way, there will be some of last year’s vintage to be disposed of during the pressing , in case it is of any interest……

Robin Tilley. 840654 (or so!).
