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Will this be the last  be South Zeal Carnival pages on the Beacon Villages website ?
We certainly hope not !!

The year seems to be flying by & once again Carnival time is upon us,
October 28th to be precise, and that means you still have time until then to put together an entry and take part
2pm will see the Children’s parade take place through the village and we look forward to seeing yet again a great range of costumes and efforts
that rival any in the county.

To download the Terms of Entry leafletclick HERE

This years Prince & Princess , Charlie & Emily Glanville will lead the parade
Make sure you make the effort to come along and see the work and enthusiasm put in to these entries,
which can be entered into one of nine classes throughout the afternoon.

From 5pm the bottom of South Zeal will begin to fill with entries for the Evening Procession
and finishing touches put onto the floats or walking displays.
Judging will commence from 6pm and again we have various classes for everyone to enter and prize money and class winners cups,
together with 5 challenge cups and shields to compete for.
7pm will be the signal for the procession to begin and this year we welcome back Hatherleigh Silver Band,
who will accompany the Carnival on it’s route to Sticklepath.
All of the hard work put into making the floats and procession needs to be appreciated and this is where
we need you to come along and take part by giving as generously as you can to the collectors .

This year we are supporting the Honeylands Childrens Centre who give specialist assessment and support
to children with special needs and their families.
Also we are supporting our local charities within the area and therefore a group or organisation you may belong to could benefit.

We once again ask that all vehicles are removed from the route from South Zeal to Ford Cross and down through Sticklepath in plenty of time
just for the few hours we need to put on the Carnival and remind you that the road from St Marys Church to Beacon Lodge in South Zeal
will be closed to all non carnival traffic from 5pm to 8.30pm

Just to end on a big thank you to Pete for allowing us to take space on this excellent website
and we wish him & Carol well in there forth coming move to foreign parts.

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