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Held in the Victory Hall, South Zeal at 7.30 pm
Monday 23 rd |
Monday 27 th |
Monday 20 th |
Monday 24 th |
MAY (Annual Meeting) |
Monday 22 nd |
Monday 26 th |
Monday 24 th |
Monday 21 st |
Monday 25 th |
Monday 23 rd |
Monday 20 th |
Monday 11 th |
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 21st. August 2006 at 7.30 pm
Councillor A White (Chairman) |
Councillor C White |
Councillor R Darch |
Councillor J Darch |
Councillor J Pillar |
Councillor R Tilley |
Dr P Brotherton (Clerk) |
Apologies received from Councillors J White, Souness (Vice Chairman), Curtis and Cann
Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)
06/224 Councillor A White (Chairman) stated an interest in 06/243.
06/225 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 24th July 2006 were circulated, read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Clerk’s Report
06/226 06/191, 06/162 Possible change to the First Devon and Cornwall bus request stop at Ford Cross. The Clerk reported that after a telephone conversation with Mr S Harrison (Customer Relations, First Devon and Cornwall), he had received a letter from him stating that they agree with the decision made by Devon County Council Transport Coordination Department that it is safe for buses to stop at Ford Cross. Mr Harrison will advise the Depot Manager at Bude that all drivers should be made aware of this and that they should stop at Ford Cross when requested to do so. Dr and Mrs Crawford have also reported that Carmel Coaches and Stagecoach buses have been stopping at Ford Cross when requested to do so.
06/227 06/192, 06/163 Wain Homes site. It is noted that the site had been tidied up.
06/228 06/194, 06/171. Collection of garden waste. The Clerk stated that he had had a meeting with Mr A. Barron (Waste Education Officer, West Devon Borough Council) on July 27th. to discuss the possibility of starting a Green Waste Collection service once a month, based on the Recreation Ground car park. Mr Barron had said that he thought the site was ideal for this and would put the recommendation to his department. It was not anticipated that a trial of this service would commence before November 2006.
06/229 06/195, 06/176 South Tawton Village Square. It would seem that in the initial discussions about the resurfacing of the Square there had been some differences of opinion about what materials to use. Because of this, and some uncertainty about the boundaries of the Square, the matter had not been pursued for a while. Conversations with Mr M. Stoddart (Devon County Council Highways Maintenance Engineer), Mr N Bowles (Devon County Council Highways Maintenance Engineer, Contracts) and Ms J Rumble (Senior Planning Officer (Community) Dartmoor National Park Authority), suggest that further consideration of this subject would now be appropriate. Ms Rumble has undertaken to move the business on.
06/230 06/196, 06/178 Parish Boundary Stones. Ms J Rumble (Senior Planning Officer (Community) Dartmoor National Park Authority), has kindly agreed to see if she has any suitable stone in stock and will report back to the Clerk.
06/231 06/197, 06/179 Drainage on Addiscott Hill. As directed by the Council, a letter detailing the work that Council wish to see completed has been sent to Mr M. Stoddart (Devon County Council Highways Maintenance Engineer). A reply is awaited.
06/232 06/198 Bank and wall at Hillcrest Lane, South Tawton. The Clerk, Councillor J Darch and Mrs I Madders have received confirmation from Ms D Lord (Monitoring Officer, West Devon Borough Council) that the wall will be reinstated once more. The Focsa refuse vehicles will no longer ‘travel this lane’ and the comments made concerning the possible widening of the lane have been passed to ‘County Highways’ for their consideration. Councillor J Darch said that he would pursue the matter.
06/233 06/200 Trees at Ford Cross. Mr M. Stoddart (Devon County Council Highways Maintenance Engineer), informed the Clerk that he would follow up this matter which had been raised by Councillor J White.
06/234 06/202 Changes to the Electoral Registration procedures. The Clerk reported that Ms C Allen had no further information about this matter. However, on the subject of the elections next year, she had informed the Clerk that if the Parish Elections were contested next May, South Tawton Parish would have to bear the whole cost which would be in the region of £1,800. However, if the Ward was contested as well, Council would only have to pay approximately half of this cost.
06/235 06/204 West Devon Borough Council Satisfaction Survey. The Clerk pointed out some details from this survey, including the ‘Overall Satisfaction with South Tawton Council’ which placed the Ward 3rd. highest out of 19. In the section on ‘What needs improving in your local area’, ‘Affordable decent housing’ was placed first’, as it had been in 2003, followed by ‘Public Transport’ and ‘Level of traffic congestion’, which, the survey stated, had ‘got worse’ since 2003.
06/236 The Chairman, Councillor A White, asked that the Council write to two parishioners, thanking them for work that they had undertaken for the benefit of the community. He wished that Mr J Walsh be thanked for painting doors and window frames of the toilet block in the Recreation Ground, free of any labour charge. Councillor White also asked that Mr P Kilgannon, who had built and run the excellent Beacon Village Website, be thanked for giving so much time and expertise to this project on behalf of the Community. All agreed, with enthusiasm.
06/237 Councillor R Darch reported that the Cross at Addiscott was fully visible.
- Correspondence
06/238 DAPC Annual General Meeting. Saturday 30th September 2006. County Hall. The Clerk asked that he be able to attend this Event, which helped to keep the Council in touch with national developments and ideas, at a cost of £15. This year the agenda will include discussion and presentations on Affordable Housing, The Imminent White Paper on Local Government Reorganisation and the Elections in May 2007, amongst others.
06/239 Clerk’s training. Day 2, Thursday 16th. November 2006. Cardinal Newman House, Exeter. The Clerk asked that he be able to attend the second day of this two-day course, at a cost of £35. Topics will include Local Government and the Code of Conduct, Finance and Auditing, the Certificate of Local Council Administration and Quality Councils.
06/240 Motorcycling in/around Dartmoor National Park. A note had been received by the Clerk informing the Council that the Safety Camera Partnership, working with the National Park Authority, the local Highways Authority and the Policy Force Motorcycle Wing had launched a safety campaign on August 9th. to raise the awareness of motorcyclists and other road users to the dangers of speeding on roads where there are often conflicts between different groups of road users, walkers and animals.
06/241 Dartmoor Access Forum. Vacancies for December 2006. The Clerk distributed copies of the Dartmoor Access Forum Annual Report. It was noted that there will be three vacancies on the Access Forum from December 2006 and that the Forum were inviting nominations.
06/242 West Devon Borough Sustainable Development Supplementary Planning Document. The Clerk advised Council that the closing date for comments in respect of the draft Sustainable Development Supplementary Planning Document was 14th September 2006.
06/243 Request from South Zeal Carnival Committee for Grant. The Clerk reported that he had received a letter from South Zeal Carnival Committee stating that “once again they were trying desperately to raise enough funds to enable this years Carnival to take place …”. The application pointed out that there had been a 15% increase in the insurance premium for this event this year. Proposed by Councillor Tilley and seconded by Councillor R Darch, all agreed to grant the Carnival Committee £300.
06/244 Parish Councillor Nominations for representatives on the Dartmoor National Park Authority. The Clerk asked that this additional letter be considered. As there would be a reduction of places from 5 to 4, it was being proposed by the Devon Association of Parish Councils that two Councillors be nominated for each of two constituencies, the first composed of West Devon and Mid Devon and the other of councils in the South Hams and Teignbridge. Comments on this proposal are needed by September 2006. To give time to consider this, it was proposed to put this item on the September agenda. All agreed.
06/245 Report on progress of Bike Jumps in the Recreation Ground
Councillors were most pleased to hear that the first stage of the construction of these bike jumps had been completed. Councillors wished that, on behalf the Council and the Community, a vote of thanks be recorded to Mr. S. McCaffery for undertaking this work, and for doing so free of charge. The Clerk was asked to write to him in appreciation of this. It was reported that the young parishioners and their supervisory committee were very pleased with the result, which was already in use. Discussion followed on the completion of the proposed fencing and drainage. It was agreed to consult with the Recreation Ground Committee and Mr McCaffery about these matters before any further work was undertaken.
06/246 0556/06 Devon County Council. East Week Farm, South Zeal.
Replacement of slate lean-to-roof with corrugated roof sheets to match adjoining roof.
The Council agreed to support this application.
06/247 0577/06 Mr and Mrs M Lewis, Moorestone Barn, Addiscott, South Tawton.
Construction of garden shelter.
The Council agreed to support this application.
06/248 0572/06 Mr A Davis, Beacon Cottage, Sticklepath.
Erection of single storey timber workshop.
The Council agreed to support this application.
06/249 DNPA 0283/06 Mr I Howard, Olditch Farm, Sticklepath
Dwelling and garage at Site adjacent to Olditch Farm.
Granted. Conditions: Painted joinery, stone,slate samples, beech hedge,retain hedges, shrubs,trees.
06/250 Councillor J Darch offered to attend planning site inspections with Councillor Pillar if needed.
Appeal decision
06/151 DNPA ENF/0349/04 Moorlands Barn, Whiddon Down.
Appeals made by Mr J Yates and Mr P Pavitt
9Th. August, 2006. Sumary of decisions issued.
The appeals are dismissed and the enforcement notice is upheld with corrections and variations.
No. |
Date |
Detail |
Note |
Outgoings |
Credit |
Balance |
28 |
03-Jul-06 |
Charges |
Voucher STMNT Fee |
£ 3.25 |
£ - |
£6,573.65 |
29 |
31-Jul-06 |
Mr P Squires |
Toilet cleaning. June |
£ 82.25 |
£ - |
£6,491.40 |
06/252 Proposed by Councillor J Darch and seconded by Councillor R Darch and agreed by all, the accounts were adopted.
06/253 The Clerk informed Council that he had submitted the Annual Return to the Charity Commission detailing financial information concerning the Hoare Allotment Field Account, which had been signed by Councillor White on behalf of all the Trustees.
06/254 A reply had been received from Victim Support Devon thanking Council for the grant of £50.
06/255 The Clerk provided the Council with a graph showing the volume of water used and the charges made by South West Water for the last 6 invoices. It was clear that there had been a substantial increase in water consumption and therefore in the quarterly charge on the last three occasions. The Clerk was asked to investigate the matter as soon as possible.
The meeting ended at 8.32 pm.