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United Benefice of South Tawton and Belstone
Services August 2006

Please be assured of a warm welcome at all our services

Aug 6th Transfiguration of our Lord                 
8.30am        Holy Communion (Modern) South Zeal
9.30am        Family Communion Belstone

Aug 13th Trinity 9                  
8.30am        Holy Communion (1662) Sticklepath
10.00am       Patronal Festival Communion Belstone
11.30am       Folk Festival Service South Tawton

Aug 20th Trinity 10      
8.30am        Holy Communion (1662) South Zeal
10am           Benefice Communion South Tawton
6.30pm        Flower Festival Songs of Praise South Tawton

(NoTaize Service this month)

Aug 27th Trinity X1      
8.30am        Holy Communion (modern) Sticklepath
9.30am        Family Communion with Holy Baptism South Tawton
11.15am       Parish Communion Belstone
6.30pm        Meditation and prayers for healing Sticklepath

There is no bible study in August. Next meeting for Bible study is: 7.30
The Rectory Sept 5th.

flower festival poster


Flower Festival 18th - 20th August 2006

Following on from the success they enjoyed last year, St. Andrew Church Flower Team proudly present this years flower festival on the theme of ‘Books’

The church will be open for the viewing of displays on Friday and Saturday from 10:30 to 6:30 pm and on Sunday from noon until 6:30 p.m.

Please accept a warm invitation to attend this festival of flowers. There will be home baked refreshments available daily and on Saturday between noon and 2 p.m. you can sample the delights of the B-B-Q hosted by Keith Redstone.

If you would like to make an evening of it why not come to the ‘Bubbles & Bits’ (Cava and posh nibbles!) at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday (Tickets £5). While feasting you will be able to enjoy a concert of light music and song provided by a team of talented singers and players.

The Festival ends with Songs of Praise on Sunday at 6:30 p.m.

To coincide with the Flower festival the South Tawton Art Group are having an Exhibition and Sale of their work in Church House (Sat. & Sun.). Entry to the festival will be free of charge.

We hope, however, that visitors will be generous in making donations, which will support the reordering of an area of the church for refreshments.

Donations of flowers or foliage would be most welcome and may be left at the church on Thursday August 17th in the afternoon.

We look forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy the weekend! I think you will agree these are definitely dates for your diary and a great way to celebrate summer!

For further details about taking part contact Wendy Redstone 840205.



Holy Baptism.
Thomas Bertram
Lloyd Evans
Ioan Evans
Evan Evan



There is no bible study in August.
Next meeting for Bible study is: 7.30 Sept 5th
at The Rectory

Rectory Ramblings
The name of Dr Katherine Jefferts Schori, I know has been on all your lips lately, you will have given her much thought and spent considerable time debating her new position, more of that later.

The rectory bible study is hotting up, more disagreement, no falling out. Recently we discussed the value we place upon achievement in certain career areas. I wondered if we ever hear a proud parent announcing that their son or daughter has become a refuse collector or a cleaner or possibly a sausage stuffer in a meat-processing factory. It is more likely that we as parents announce “he’s gone into medicine,” or “she’s a solicitor you know.” I have met some unpleasant people in medicine but certain “professional” achievement hold certain kudos.

When we are introduced to someone, 99 times out of a 100 we ask the question “What do you do?” Behind the first question we usually find the unspoken enquiry “What can you do for me?”  We really ask, “Who are you, what makes you the person you are, makes you laugh or cry, who are you a human being?” We lose many opportunities, wasting our time on superficial pleasantries, never developing relationships to any depths.

As you know Dr Schori has just been elected the first female primate in the Anglican Communion (what you’ve never heard of her!!). I am sure her family are very proud of her and in my insignificant way so am I, proud of her resolve, her courage and her faith in God’s presence to guide the Church to the future.

In the general convention Of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America (ECUSA) there are different poles of opinion over Dr Schori’s appointment. At their recent general convention, in an attempt to come back towards mainstream Anglicanism motion A161 offered a moratorium on the consecration of bishops “whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church”.

Heaven forbid that the church and society in general should be challenged. Heaven forbid that in a world threatened by global warming, nuclear proliferation, poverty, hunger, violence etc, that we should not spend our time discussing the gender of church leaders. And heaven forbid that we should be proud of people, not because of their professional qualifications but because of the quality of their humanity.

If our son was unemployed, homeless, depending on handouts, if our son mixed with a similar group who had left their families and homes, if our son was outspoken, challenging and at odds with those in authority, would we be proud of him and doesn’t such a son remind you of anyone?


Quote of the month
“Good actions are the invisible hinges of the doors of heaven!"
Victor Hugo



supper logo

South Tawton - Safari Supper
Safari suppers are a fun way to meet ‘neighbours’ and new people in your own area while enjoying a variety of delicious food!

This year the South Tawton Safari Supper will take place on Friday 1st September.

You will meet at Church House for drinks and starters and then head off to two different houses for your main course and dessert/coffee!

Cost £7 per person.

If you are interested in taking part and hosting one of the courses please contact us by August 1st.

The proceeds of the evening will go towards the refurbishment of the refreshments area in the Church of St. Andrew, South Tawton.

Rosaleen Thayer 01837 849048 & Jackie Yeates 01837 840171

Due to Microsoft's annoying insistence on 'clicking for Active X' the monthly hymn music has been suspended
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