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Beacon Villages News

Wheatley Scenes  

Photos by Sue Wonnacott

Sue told me that she is sorry that these photos are not very exciting because she has been very busy and not well again.

I do not often disagree with her but I think she does not realise how her life might look to those of us not involved in farming. The new life, the sheep shearing and the preparation for the winter, in particular, are things many of us are not lucky enough to see everyday.


Mother and calf

Five bullocks in field
Proud Mum

Bullocks trying to understand the world

silage lying on field

Silage cut field

View from the Wheatley kitchen window

First Cut of Silage

Blue geraniums

White elderflowers



Ewe being sheared

Coat nearly sheared off sheep

Back breaking work

Steve (?) hard at work

Young bullock

Field of cattle
Hairy Harry

Summer Grazing

Red and White Lily

Lily the horse looking over gate


Another Lily

View down leafy lane
Sheep in pen
Shirley and her lambs