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United Benefice of South Tawton and Belstone
Services July 2006

Please be assured of a warm welcome at all our services

Sunday July 2nd Trinity 3
8.30am        Holy Communion (Modern)  South Zeal
9.30am        Family Communion Belstone

Sunday July 9th Trinity 4 Sea Sunday
8.30am        Holy Communion (1662) Sticklepath
9.30am        Parish Communion South Tawton
9.30am         Junior Church. Church House
11.15am       Parish Communion Belstone

Sunday July 16th Trinity 5
8.30am        Holy Communion (1662) South Zeal
9.30am        Junior Church. Church House
10am           Benefice Communion Belstone
6.30pm        Taize Service today

Sunday July 23rd Trinity 6
8.30am        Holy Communion (modern)  Sticklepath                                           9.30am        Family Communion South Tawton with Holy Baptism
11.15am       Parish Communion Belstone
6.30pm        Meditation and prayers for healing Sticklepath

Sunday July 30th Trinity 6
8.30am        Holy Communion (1662) Sticklepath
9.30am        Parish Communion South Tawton
11.15am       Parish Communion Belstone

Eternal Father, Strong to Save


Church House

Junior Church meets on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of every month in term time. From 9:30 am to 10:30 am

Phone: Elspeth 01837 82220

or Michael 01837 849048

All Welcome

Stories- Music- Drama- Fun

Rectory Ramblings
Writing on a very hot day, it is difficult to believe that the great sporting event of the summer is the football world cup. Will a long wait of forty years soon be over and England be celebrating another triumph, who can tell? There is no doubt of course that the world cup will bring immense pleasure to many people as does the participation in so many sports from the couch or on the field.

I was very thankful that the parish of South Tawton Summer Event did not quite clash with football, and thankful to all who worked so hard to make the event a success and to those who attended. Recently we have been blessed in this country with sporting success. Last year we won the Ashes, this year we have a chance to become the best at football. I doubt if a homegrown player will win Wimbledon, but we cannot have everything.

I hope that sportsman and women that are in the public eye, realize their great gifts, and receive thanks (not simply financial) for the enjoyment their skills give others. It is good to hear that an individual is a good ambassador for their sport. For me this proves that top class sport can still be played with fairness, honesty and with a joy for sport’s sake. (A personal plea to sportsman, especially, is that they do not ‘spit’ so very much, I cannot remember Colin Cowdrey or Bobby Moore having such an unpleasant habit!!!)

Some names will always be immortal, Banks, Cohen, Wilson, Stiles, Charlton J., Charlton B., Moore, Peters, Ball, Hurst and Hunt. These names from 1966 are remembered with excitement and pride. The game itself will not make the world a better place, but how the game is played, if it is played with courage, and integrity might persuade us to live life in such a way and that would prove to be important.


Quote of the month

‘Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gifts.’  2 Corinthians 9 v 15


Tuesday 11th 7.30pm
Rectory Bible Study

Thursday 13th 7.30pm
Belstone PCC

Wednesday 19th 7.30pm
South Tawton PCC

supper logo

South Tawton - Safari Supper
Safari suppers are a fun way to meet ‘neighbours’ and new people in your own area while enjoying a variety of delicious food!

This year the South Tawton Safari Supper will take place on Friday 1st September.

You will meet at Church House for drinks and starters and then head off to two different houses for your main course and dessert/coffee!

Cost £7 per person.

If you are interested in taking part and hosting one of the courses please contact us by August 1st.

The proceeds of the evening will go towards the refurbishment of the refreshments area in the Church of St. Andrew, South Tawton.

Rosaleen Thayer 01837 849048 & Jackie Yeates 01837 840171

Flower Festival 18th - 20th August 2006

Following on from the success they enjoyed last year, St. Andrew Church Flower Team proudly present this years flower festival on the theme of ‘Books’

The church will be open for the viewing of displays on Friday and Saturday from 10:30 to 6:30 pm and on Sunday from noon until 6:30 p.m.

Please accept a warm invitation to attend this festival of flowers. There will be home baked refreshments available daily and on Saturday between noon and 2 p.m. you can sample the delights of the B-B-Q hosted by Keith Redstone.

If you would like to make an evening of it why not come to the ‘Bubbles & Bits’ (Cava and posh nibbles!) at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday (Tickets £5). While feasting you will be able to enjoy a concert of light music and song provided by a team of talented singers and players.

The Festival ends with Songs of Praise on Sunday at 6:30 p.m.

To coincide with the Flower festival the South Tawton Art Group are having an Exhibition and Sale of their work in Church House (Sat. & Sun.). Entry to the festival will be free of charge.

We hope, however, that visitors will be generous in making donations, which will support the reordering of an area of the church for refreshments.

Donations of flowers or foliage would be most welcome and may be left at the church on Thursday August 17th in the afternoon.

We look forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy the weekend! I think you will agree these are definitely dates for your diary and a great way to celebrate summer!

For further details about taking part contact Wendy Redstone 840205.



R.I.P. Jean Elizabeth Ffarde

Holy Baptism Luca Danilo Matthew Guyon


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