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South Tawton Parish Council


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Held in the Victory Hall, South Zeal at 7.30 pm


Monday 23 rd


Monday 27 th


Monday 20 th


Monday 24 th

MAY (Annual Meeting)

Monday 22 nd


Monday 26 th


Monday 24 th


Monday 21 st


Monday 25 th


Monday 23 rd


Monday 20 th


Monday 11 th


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 22nd May 2006 at 7.30 pm


Councillor A White (Chairman)

Councillor C White

Councillor R Souness

Councillor J White

Councillor R Darch

Councillor R Tilley

Councillor J Pillar

Councillor W Cann


Dr P Brotherton (Clerk)




Apologies were received from Councillor J Darch

                        Election of the Chairman
06/126             It was proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor R Darch that Councillor A White be elected Chairman.  All agreed.
                        Election of the Vice Chairman
06/127             It was proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor Tilley that Councillor Souness be elected Vice Chairman.  All agreed.

                        Election of Delegates to Committees

06/128             Proposed by the Chairman, Councillor A White, seconded by Councillor J White and agreed by all, the following Councillors were appointed as Council delegates to the designated committees:

      • The Victory Hall.  Councillors Cann and Pillar
      • Okehampton Area Committee of Parish Councils.  Councillor J White
      • South Tawton Charities.  Councillor Cann and Vice Chairman Councillor Souness        
      • Dartmoor National Park Consultative Group.  Councillor Pillar.
      • Eastern Links Committee.  Councillors R Darch and C White.


                        Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)
06/129             Councillor Pillar declared an interest in Planning Application 0298/06

06/130             Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 24th April 2006 were circulated, read and confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

                        Clerk’s Report
06/131             06/99 (5)  Request under the Freedom of Information Act.  The Clerk reported that the documentation requested by Mr and Mrs Janes had been discovered, copied and delivered.

06/132             06/101, 06/74  South West Water Rebate.  The Clerk had received a letter from South West Water concerning the possible rebate for the water lost as a result of vandalism to the toilet pipe-work.  This request had been refused.

06/133             06/102, 06/76  Damage to bank and wall near the Smithy, South Tawton.  This had been repaired.  Miss Kitchen thanked the Council for their support and help.

06/134             Letter concerning dangerous drain cover.  A letter had been received from Mr M Stoddart (Highways Maintenance Technician), stating that the allegedly dangerous drain cover in the village would be replaced with a more substantial and less slippery one.

06/135             06/113. Parish Plans.  Mr Paul Edwards, a member of the Community Council for Devon Parish Regeneration Team, had volunteered to address the Council on this matter at the Council meeting on June 26th.


06/136             In response to a request from Councillor Pillar for the date of the ‘Appeal at land at Gralerie Woods, South Tawton’, the Clerk said that he would supply this information.


06/137             Parish Analysis for Local Land Management Framework Process.  After some discussion on the questionnaire that had been sent to the Clerk, it was agreed by all that time could not be found to make a meaningful response to this request.

06/138             Petition to reduce the amount of dog mess in South Zeal.  The Clerk reported that he had received this Petition asking that the Council ‘explore ways to tackle this problem..’, signed by some 153 parishioners.  The Council, thanking those who had organised the petition, agreed that remedial steps had already been taken.  The Council had joined the Dog Warden ‘Joint Partnership Scheme’, provided information about this scheme on the notice board in the Stores and written a short article on how the Scheme works for the June edition of the Beacon.  The effect of these measures will be closely monitored.

06/139             Borough-wide Housing Needs Survey.  The Clerk reported that he had displayed information about the survey.

06/140             Local Authority Byelaws in England: A Discussion Paper.  The Clerk said that he had received this document, which was available for reference.

06/141             Letter concerning A30 noise.  Councillors considered the letter received from Mr G. Healy asking if the Council would draft letters to the DNPA suggesting that they should formulate a policy which in turn could be used to lobby the Highways Agency.  This policy would aim to encourage the Highways Agency to commit to a date for resurfacing the concrete stretches of the A30 with the most effective ‘quiet road’ materials.  Whilst Councillors reflected on whether or not the expense of resurfacing could be justified it was proposed by Councillor Cann, seconded by the Chairman, Councillor A White and agreed by all that the Clerk should write to Mr Healy asking if he would kindly draft letters to these bodies for the Council.  These could then be brought to the next meeting for consideration and endorsement if considered appropriate.

                        Progress on the proposal to provide a bike dirt-jump.  Lottery funding.

06/142             Council expressed general concern about the apparent lack of progress on this project.  Whilst a proposal by Councillor Cann, that Council grant £500 towards this development with matched funding from the Recreation Ground Committee was not tested by vote, it was agreed by all that there was a pressing need to see this venture pushed forward in all respects.  Therefore a proposal by Councillor Tilley, seconded by the Chairman, Councillor A White, to accept Councillor J White’s offer to contact the young parishioners involved to expedite matters was agreed by all with enthusiasm.


Parish Boundary Stones

06/143             The Chairman, Councillor A White, introduced a discussion about the Parish Boundary Stones by observing that several were missing or damaged and that a detailed survey of them needed to be undertaken.  Councillor Cann kindly undertook to seek help and advice from the Dartmoor National Park Authority about various aspects of this matter which would be considered by Council at the next meeting.
Policy on the storage and archiving of Parish documentation

 06/144            The Clerk outlined some of the difficulties caused by the accumulation of documentation over the years but focussed in particular on Planning Applications.  He suggested that as both of the relevant Planning Authorities kept permanent record of all such applications there was no need for the Parish Council to do so as well.  However, there was general agreement that such material should not be destroyed but that opportunities for archiving them be researched.  It was proposed by Councillor Tilley and seconded by Councillor Pillar that Planning Applications over 5 years old could be removed from the Council’s files and archived.  Majority decision.
06/145             DNPA 0283/06 Mr I Howard, Olditch Farm, Sticklepath
Dwelling and garage at Site adjacent to Olditch Farm.  Full planning permission.
The Council agreed to support this application by a majority decision.

06/146             WDBC 8864/2006/OKE Mr RWR Reddaway, Livaton Farm, South Tawton
      Prior Approval notification for erection of general purpose agricultural storage building.

06/147             DNPA 0298/06  Mr and Mrs Watson, Okehayes Nursery, Sticklepath.
Replacement of two poytunnels (sic) with a block and slate store/workshop.
                        The Council agreed to support this application. All agreed

06/148             DNPA 0325/06 Mr and Mrs D Capon, The Cottage, South Zeal
Single storey extension housing bedroom/bathroom.
The Council agreed to support this application.  All agreed.



06/149             DNPA 0139/06.  Mr and Mrs B Hignett, Crow’s Nest, Sticklepath.
Demolition of existing house and construction of replacement dwelling.
Granted with conditions: including a bat and bird survey and demolition of existing house

06/150             DNPA 0906/05.  Mr P Hobbs, The Willows, South Zeal
Change of use of two-storey outbuilding to granny annex.
Granted with conditions: slate roof, black rainwater goods, as an ancillary dwelling

06/151             DNPA 0160/06. Mrs V Cooper, 1 The Croft, South Zeal.
Provision of small concrete base and installation of bunded oil storage tank in garden.


06/152             DNPA 0217 AND 0339 Mr and Mrs B Jeffery. Planning Decisions 0217/04 and 0339/04
Confirmation of acceptability of amendments with condition that roadside hedge be allowed to grow back to a height of 2m as shown on the original drawings.         
06/153             Appeal at West Wyke, Throwleigh Road, South Tawton
To be heard on 13th June 2006 at 10 am at Throwleigh Village Hall

06/154             Councillor Souness (Vice Chairman) volunteered to help Councillor Pillar with the Planning Applications for the next month.









Balance brought forward



 £ 4,186.27



 £        3.25


 £ 4,183.02


Devon Playing Fields Association

 £       15.00


 £ 4,168.02


Mr P Squires. March

 £       82.25


 £ 4,085.77


Ink Print

 £        9.30


 £ 4,076.47


Devon Assoc. Parish Councils

 £     179.00


 £ 3,897.47


Devon Assoc. Parish Councils

 £       14.00


 £ 3,883.47


Devon Assoc. Parish Councils

 £       15.00


 £ 3,868.47


Victory Hall

 £       20.00


 £ 3,848.47


Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc

 £     324.18


 £ 3,524.29


West Devon Borough Council. Part Precept


 £   4,650.00

 £ 8,174.29


Post Office Ltd (SWW)

 £     158.34


 £ 8,015.95


Mr P Squires. April

 £       82.25


 £ 7,933.70

06/155             Proposed by Councillor R Darch and seconded by Councillor Souness (Vice Chairman) and agreed by all, the accounts were adopted.

Payment for the Dog Warden Scheme

06/156             It was proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by the Chairman, Councillor A White that the Council pay West Devon Borough Council £370 for the Dog Warden Joint Partnership Scheme.  All agreed.

Toilet Grant offer and review of cleaning arrangements

06/157             Proposed by the Chairman, Councillor A White,  all agreed that the grant offer from Dartmoor National Park Authority towards the cleaning of the toilets in the Recreation Ground be accepted. 

                        The meeting ended at 9.15 pm