Note: To view up to date National Park Planning Applications, click the following link:
Held in the Victory Hall, South Zeal at 7.30 pm
Monday 23 rd |
Monday 27 th |
Monday 20 th |
Monday 24 th |
MAY (Annual Meeting) |
Monday 22 nd |
Monday 26 th |
Monday 24 th |
Monday 21 st |
Monday 25 th |
Monday 23 rd |
Monday 20 th |
Monday 11 th |
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 20th March 2006 at 7.30 pm
Councillor A White (Chairman) |
Councillor C White |
Councillor R Souness |
Councillor J White |
Councillor R Darch |
Councillor R Tilley |
Councillor J Pillar |
Councillor W Cann |
Councillor C Curtis |
Dr P Brotherton (Clerk) |
Apologies were received from Councillor J Darch
Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)
06/68 There were no declarations of interest.
06/69 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 27th February 2006 were circulated, read and confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Clerk’s Report
06/70 06/36 and 06/13 It was noted that Councillor C White had received minutes of the last meeting of the Eastern Parishes Link Committee. However, it was also noted that his attendance at the last meeting had not been recorded.
06/71 06/38 & 06/18 The Clerk reported that regrettably the Council’s nomination of Mr David Youle for a West Devon Mayoral Award had not been successful and that he had received a letter of thanks addressed to the Council from Mr Youle for nominating him.
06/72 06/39 & 05/210. In the absence of a reply to the letter sent to Mr. N. Pogodin (Deputy Local Service Officer) and Mr. M. Stoddart (Highway Maintenance Technician) concerning the drainage work on the hill down to Addiscott Cross, the clearing of the passing-place on the road between Addiscott Cross and Dishcombe, the ‘missing’ left-turn sign on the old A30 and the apparent lack of response concerning tree-pruning at Ford Cross, the Clerk reported that he had telephoned Mr Stoddart. Mr. Stoddart promised that letters on these matters would be forthcoming very soon.
06/73 06/50 (i) The Clerk, commenting on progress arising from Mrs M West’s concern about the safely of passengers at the Ford Cross bus stopping point being placed at risk now that temporary fencing had been put in place closing off the garage forecourt, stated that he had received a reply from Devon County Council Transport Coordination Department. Mr M. Tucker (School Transport Co-ordinator (North and West Devon), reported that arrangements would be made to observe the morning pick-up from Ford Cross during the week commencing 13th March 2006 and that the findings would be sent to him.
06/50 (vi) The Clerk had received thanks from Mr M Wimberley for the advice that the Council had given him concerning the power lines which run close to his house.
06/74 06/64 In response to the Clerk’s report that he had been unable to secure a rebate from South West Water for the water lost as a result of vandalism to the toilet pipe work, he was encouraged by Councillor C White to persist, as in his recent experience such a request had been granted.
06/75 Councillor J White, on behalf of parishioners, asked the Clerk if the advice of the Dartmoor National Park Authority Planning Department had been sought regarding alleged breaches of planning applications 0217/04 and 0339/04. The Clerk reported that he had received confirmation that Mr N Savin (DNPA Monitoring and Enforcement Officer), to whom he had written, had the matter in hand.
06/76 Councillor J White also asked if damage to a bank and wall belonging to Mrs W. Kitchen, reportedly caused by the dust cart, could be repaired. It was agreed that on receipt of further information from Mrs Kitchen the Clerk would refer the matter to Mr Incoll (Chief Executive) at West Devon Borough Council.
06/77 Councillor Cann asked if the numerous pot-holes in the stretch of road between Langdown and the ‘T’ junction just North of the motorway bridge on the road out of South Tawton could be attended to. The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr M. Stoddart (Highway Maintenance Technician) about this.
06/78 The Clerk collected the Information Technology survey forms from Councillors to collate and return to the Devon Association of Parish Councils.
06/79 An invitation to attend the Dartmoor National Park Management Plan Conference was offered to Councillors.
06/80 Councillor Tilley kindly volunteered to appraise the literature recently received on Parish Plans.
Progress on the proposal to provide a bike dirt-jump.
06/81 Councillor Cann stated that he had not been able to find the bike jump course near Makro on Haven Banks but that he would try again. Councillors discussed possible sites for the proposed bike-jump and Councillor Pillar volunteered to look at all of these and report back to Council at the April meeting. Councillor Souness, in his capacity as Chair of the Recreation Ground Committee, said that he would put the idea of the bike jumps being constructed in the Recreation Ground to the Committee. All agreed that the Council should spearhead this idea and that it should remain on the agenda.
The organisation of the Community Morning.
06/82 The Clerk distributed leaflets advertising this event for Councillors to display around the Parish.
Arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting.
06/83 It was agreed that as Monday 17th April was a Bank Holiday, the Annual Parish Meeting would be held on Tuesday 18th April, at 7.30 in the Victory Hall. All agreed
06/84 DNPA 0139/06. (Jo Burgess 27th March 2006). Mr and Mrs B Hignett, Crow’s Nest, Sticklepath.
Demolition of existing house and construction of replacement dwelling.
The Council agreed to support this application in principle but wished to see further detail, including the overall height of the structure, before making a final decision. Council is particularly concerned about the possible visual impact that this proposed building might have given its commanding position on the slopes of the hill overlooking the village.
Councillors agreed to discuss the following two planning applications.
06/85 DNPA 0160/06. (Nicola Ford 7th April 2006). Mrs V Cooper, 1 The Croft, South Zeal.
Provision of small concrete base and installation of bunded oil storage tank in garden.
The Council agreed to support this application.
06/86 DNPA 0906/05. (Helen Shobbrook ) Mr P Hobbs, The Willows, South Zeal
Change of use of two-storey outbuilding to granny annex.
The Council agreed to support this application in principle. However, Council commented on the lack of detail, particularly with regard to the height of the roof which it was suggested should be as low as possible. Council also agreed that the structure should be ancillary to the main building.
06/87 DNP 0005/06 Mr G.F. Gore, Pangbourne, Berks for Gralerie Woods, South Tawton
Timber decking (beside “existing dwelling”)
06/88 DNPA 0038/06 Mr G.F Gore, The Boat House, Pangbourne
Certificate of Lawfulness in respect of the use of forestry store as residential at Gralerie Wood, South Tawton.
06/89 Councillor Curtis kindly volunteered to help Councillor Pillar assess the Planning Applications for the next month.
06/90 Councillor Souness left the meeting.
22-Feb-06 |
Cutting grass in South Tawton |
£ 25.00 |
23-Feb-06 |
Electricity up to 25th Feb. 2006 |
£ 35.56 |
28-Feb-06 |
Toilet cleaning. February |
£ 82.25 |
28-Feb-06 |
Contribution towards tree pruning |
£ 20.00 |
28-Feb-06 |
500 envelopes |
£ 12.50 |
13-Mar-06 |
Clerk’s wages Jan – March 06 |
£ 370.50 |
13-Mar-06 |
Clerk's expenses Jan - March 06 |
£ 41.05 |
£ 4489.52 |
06/91 The Clerk, thanking Councillors Pillar and Curtis for their advice and help, reported that the accounts had been examined by them and pronounced a correct record.
06/92 Proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor Curtis, the accounts were adopted by all.
Membership of the Devon Association of Parish Councils. (2006-2007)
06/93 It was proposed by Councillor C White and seconded by Councillor Curtis that the membership fee of £179 for this organisation be paid for the year 2006-2007. All agreed.
Councillors agreed to discuss the following request for membership of an organisation.
Membership of Devon Playing Fields Association. (2006-2007)
06/94 Councillors Cann, Curtis, R Darch and A White (Chairman) declared an interest in this item. It was proposed by Councillor Curtis and seconded by Councillor Cann that the membership fee of £15 for this organisation be paid for the year 2006-2007. All agreed.
Summary of financial position.
06/95 The Clerk explained the print-out of the present financial position which had been circulated with the agenda.
The meeting ended at 8.35 pm