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Held in the Victory Hall, South Zeal at 7.30 pm
Monday 23 rd |
Monday 27 th |
Monday 20 th |
Monday 24 th |
MAY (Annual Meeting) |
Monday 22 nd |
Monday 26 th |
Monday 24 th |
Monday 21 st |
Monday 25 th |
Monday 23 rd |
Monday 20 th |
Monday 11 th |
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 24th April 2006 at 7.30 pm
Councillor A White (Chairman) |
Councillor C White |
Councillor R Souness |
Councillor J White |
Councillor R Darch |
Councillor R Tilley |
Councillor J Pillar |
Councillor W Cann |
Councillor J Darch |
Councillor C Curtis |
Dr P Brotherton (Clerk) |
Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)
06/96 There were no declarations of interest.
06/97 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 27th February 2006 were circulated, read and confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Progress on the proposal to provide a bike dirt-jump.
06/98 At the Chairman’s direction, this item was now discussed. The Chairman, Councillor A White, welcomed the four young parishioners who attended the meeting. The Clerk read a letter received from the South Zeal Recreation Ground Association which stated that in principle the committee had agreed, with provisos, that the children’s mountain bike jumps could be constructed in the Recreation Ground.
Councillor Pillar reported that he had had a look at the area which seemed to him to be suitable for the purpose. It was agreed that for safety reasons fencing would be needed to keep the jump area separate from the rest of the Playing Field and that a lot of work would be required to improve the drainage, remove vegetation and sculpt the jumps.
The Chairman, Councillor A White, referring to a range of incidents in the village over recent months, made it clear to the young parishioners that, whilst the Council was prepared to spend a considerable amount of money on this worthwhile project, it behoved them to make absolutely sure that their behaviour could in no way attract criticism. These views were reinforced by statements from the Vice Chairman Councillor Souness and from Councillor Cann.
It was agreed by all that the Council was committed to this project and that it would remain a focus of attention over the ensuing months. It was also agreed that the young parishioners would continue to look for ways of organising themselves into a committee, raise funds for the project, design the jumps and, in due course, seek quotations for the necessary work and materials. The Clerk suggested that correspondence for the Council be handed to him.
After the young parishioners left there was some further discussion on financial aspects of the project.
Clerk’s Report
06/99 06/72, 06/39, 05/210 Highway Maintenance Issues. The Clerk reported that he had now received the following information from Mr M Stoddart (Highways Maintenance Technician).
- He will arrange for the left turn sign before the Croft junction on the A30 to be replaced.
- With regard to the concern that trees along the old A30 at Ford Cross had grown to a height which detracted from their view, following a site meeting various quotations to the land-owners were made. Council were pleased to hear that Devon County Council was in some cases prepared to make a contribution to the costs as a gesture of goodwill.
- Mr Stoddart, responding to the Council’s observations about work at Addiscott, stated that he considered that the work on the South side of the hill had been achieved but that the drainage work below the quarry and the clearing of the passing point on the Addiscott/Dishcombe road remained to be done.
- Since the Clerk received this letter, he reported that on 30th March 2006 he had accompanied the Chairman, Councillor A White to Addiscott where Devon County Highways were attempting once more to complete the drainage work on the hill and dig out the passing place. On several grounds Mrs Janes was objecting to this work being done: the Highways Department operatives eventually withdrew. However, the Clerk and the Chairman talked at some length with Mrs Janes about the situation. The result of this, several phone conversations and letters, lead to the possibility of a more clearer outcome in the future. It was agreed that those Councillors who wished to see the site of these works would visit Addiscott on Friday 28th April 2006.
- The Clerk also informed the Council that Mr and Mrs Janes had asked that documentation referring to themselves, Addiscott Common and to the lane from Addiscott to Dishcombe, from August 2002 to the present day, be sent to them. Proposed by the Chairman, Councillor A White, seconded by Councillor J White that this be done, following the guidelines provided by the Devon Association of Parish Councils, the County Solicitor, Mr R Gash, the strictures of the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act.
06/100 06/73 06/50 Ford Cross Bus Stopping Point. The Clerk stated that he had received a letter from Devon County Council Transport Coordination Department. Mr M. Tucker (School Transport Co-ordinator, North and West Devon), reporting that observation of the morning pick-up from Ford Cross during the week commencing 13th March 2006 had now been completed. Mr Tucker had concluded that students behaved safely and sensibly, kept well away from the road edge, traffic was able to pass the bus safely and that visibility for traffic was good. If students were asked in the future not to wait near the building, then Mr Tucker considered that it would be appropriate for them to wait in Ford Lane. Under the circumstances Devon County Council will continue to use this pick-up point for school coaches.
06/101 06/74 South West Water Rebate. The Clerk had written a letter to South West Water asking for a rebate for the water lost as a result of vandalism to the toilet pipe work but as yet had received no reply.
06/102 06/76 Damage to bank and wall, the Smithy South Tawton. The Clerk reported that in response to his letter he had received a phone call from Mr D Incoll (Chief Executive), West Devon Borough Council and a letter from Ms H Dobby (Head of Client Services, West Devon Borough Council), concerning the complaint received from Miss W Kitchen. A site meeting would be arranged and the work would then be promptly carried out.
06/103 06/77 Pot-holes in the Langdown to South Tawton road. The Clerk stated that he had received confirmation from Mr M. Stoddart (Highway Maintenance Technician) that the pot-holes in the road between Langdown and South Tawton would be repaired.
06/104 06/82 The Community Morning. The Clerk thought that the event had been a success and the Council thanked him for the work he had undertaken in organising this event.
06/105 The Clerk explained to the Council that he had been asked by Ms S Maxwell (Meadow Barn) for guidance over a planning concern and that the matter had been successfully resolved.
06/106 There were no questions.
06/107 The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act. The Clerk explained the scope and some of the implications of the new Act. Councillor Tilley kindly agreed to take the relevant documentation away to assess. After some discussion of the Joint Partnership Scheme, designed to help Parishes deal with dog nuisance and after considering reports from several councillors about the concerns of parishioners about the fouling of footpaths and open spaces, it was proposed by Councillor Tilley and seconded by Councillor Curtis that the Council join this scheme. Majority decision. The Clerk was instructed to make the necessary arrangements and to write a short article for the Beacon to explain the scheme.
06/108 Devon County Council Customer Services Presentations. The Clerk informed the Council of the arrangements for these presentations.
06/109 Land use and Conservation Forum. Council were appraised of a forthcoming Forum meeting on 12th May 2006.
06/110 Letter concerning dangerous drain cover. The Clerk had received a letter from Mr N Glanville and Mrs N Glanville about an allegedly dangerous drain cover in the village. He said that he had written to Mr M. Stoddart (Highway Maintenance Technician) to report the matter.
Tasks for the Parish Lengthsman’s visit in May, 2006
06/111 Councillors were asked to inform the Clerk of any matters that required attention.
Village Cinema.
06/112 After discussion is was agreed by all that the suggestion of having a village cinema in the Parish be aired in the Beacon.
Parish Plans
06/113 Councillor Tilley reported that he had found an offer of advice and help for parishes contemplating constructing a Parish Plan. The Clerk was asked to book this service for a future Council meeting.
Report on possible future structure of Local Government
06/114 Council J Darch gave an informative brief on the possible future of local government.
06/115 DNPA 0217/04 Mr. and Mrs. BJ Jeffery, Hillands, South Zeal (James Aven, 04 May)
Barn for sheep and storage of hay/straw. Full Planning Permission
The Council supports this application. However, they are concerned that the hedge be planted up and allowed to grow within the first planting season to screen the agricultural building as soon as possible.
06/116 DNPA 0339/04 Mr. and Mrs. BJ Jeffery, Hillands, South Zeal (James Aven, 04 May)
Extension to incorporate existing shed into house, plus change of use of part of field to domestic garden.
The Council supports this application.
06/117 DNPA 0065/05 Mr I Howard, Olditch Farm, Sticklepath
New dwelling and garage, Olditch Farm
Outline planning permission granted.
06/118 DNPA 0092/06 Ms D Bailey and Mr. B Radford, Poltimore, South Zeal
Renewal of permission ref. 0305/00 to replace sub-standard holiday unit with new two-storey holiday unit on same site. Use to be ancillary to the main guest house.
Conditional planning permission granted. Must not be used as permanent residential accommodation.
06/119 DNPA 0091/06 Mr. and Mrs. M Bazeley, Stoneley Cottage, South Zeal
Erection of conservatory on existing patio at rear of property.
Conditional planning permission granted
06/120 WDBC 8557/2006/OKE. Hayrish Ltd. Taw Barton, Taw Green, Okehampton
Erection of first floor extension.
Conditional planning permission granted
Notice of Appeals
06/121 DNPA 0005/06 Mr. G.F. Gore, Pangbourne, Berks for Gralerie Woods, South Tawton
Timber decking (beside “existing dwelling”)
Notice of appeal by Mr. G.F. Gore to First Secretary of State against refusal of full planning permission.
06/122 DNPA 0038/06 Mr. G.F Gore, The Boat House, Pangbourne
Certificate of Lawfulness in respect of use of forestry store as residential Gralerie Wood, South Tawton.
Notice of appeal by Mr. G.F. Gore to Secretary of State against refusal to issue a certificate of lawfulness.
06/123 DNPA ENF/0349/04 Moorlands Barn, Whiddon Down.
Notice of Public Enquiry at Whiddon Down Village Hall on Tuesday 11th July 2006 at 10 am.
14-Mar-06 |
Graveyard grant |
£ 300.00 |
£ 4,186.27 |
06/124 Proposed by Councillor Curtis and seconded by Councillor Cann and agreed by all, the accounts were adopted.
06/125 The Clerk thanked the present Internal Auditor, Mr J Davey, the past Internal Auditor, Mr D Capon and his predecessor as Responsible Financial Officer, Mrs C Cann, for all their help in preparing the end of year financial statements.
The meeting ended at 9.15 pm