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South Tawton Parish Council


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Held in the Victory Hall, South Zeal at 7.30 pm


Monday 23 rd


Monday 27 th


Monday 20 th


Monday 24 th

MAY (Annual Meeting)

Monday 22 nd


Monday 26 th


Monday 24 th


Monday 21 st


Monday 25 th


Monday 23 rd


Monday 20 th


Monday 11 th


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 27th February 2006 at 7.30 pm

Councillor A White (Chairman)

Councillor C White

Councillor R Souness

Councillor J White

Councillor R Darch

Councillor R Tilley

Councillor J Pillar

Councillor W Cann


Dr P Brotherton (Clerk)




Apologies were received from Councillor Curtis and Councillor J Darch

Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)
06/31               Declaration of Interests were received from Councillor J White in respect of Planning Application (c).

06/32               Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 23rd January 2006 were circulated, read and confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Proposal by Mr J Chadwick and friends for bike dirt jumps in South Zeal. 

06/33               The Chairman, Councillor A White, welcomed Mr Chadwick and six friends to the meeting.  He read out Mr Chadwick’s letter which asked the Parish Council to consider building a series of dirt bike jumps for children from South Zeal and local villages to use.  Mr Chadwick also provided the Council with a quotation from a local contractor for the necessary work.  Various venues were discussed, including the Recreation Ground and Ramsley Common and it was agreed that further research into their suitability should be undertaken.  There was general agreement that the use of Ramsley Spoil Heaps for jumps posed health and safety concerns. Councillor Cann kindly volunteered to visit a site in Exeter where a similar facility had been constructed so that the Council would be better informed.  Mr Chadwick and friends agreed to provide photographs of this set of jumps and it was suggested by Councillor Souness that they should consider forming a committee to help organise the matter. The Council agreed that they were most supportive of the idea in principle and looked forward to further discussion on the matter.

Clerk’s Report

06/34               06/3 Trees on Throwleigh Road. Council wished the Clerk to thank Mr. Fursdon, Ramsley Mine Land Owner, for the £20 that he had kindly donated towards the cost of pruning the trees along Throwleigh Road.

06/35               05/1852  Display board in The Stores.  The Clerk reported that the display board was now in use.

06/36               06/13  Eastern Parishes Link Committee.  Council were somewhat annoyed to learn that Councillor C White had still not received promised documentation about meetings of the Link Committee.  The Clerk was once again instructed to pursue this matter.

06/37               06/16   WDBC Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Clerk reported that he had sent a letter with the list of concerns identified by Council.

06/38               06/18   WDBC Annual West Devon Mayoral Awards.  The Clerk circulated the letter nominating Mr David Youle for a Mayoral Award.

06/39               05/210 Letter to Mr Pogodin concerning work near Addiscott and trees at Ford Cross.  The Clerk circulated the letter and photographs that had been sent to Mr. N. Pogodin (Deputy Local Service Officer) and Mr. M. Stoddart (Highway Maintenance Technician) concerning the drainage work on the hill down to Addiscott Cross, the clearing of the passing-place on the road between Addiscott Cross and Dishcombe, the ‘missing’ left-turn sign on the old A30 and the apparent lack of response concerning tree-pruning at Ford Cross.  Mr. Stoddart had explained to the Clerk that he could expect a reply soon.  Councillor Cann suggested that if the reply was adjudged inadequate then the matter should be referred to the County Councillor, Mr J. McInnes.


06/40               Exactly what was meant by ‘questions’ was clarified.  It was agreed by all that ‘questions’ in this context meant questions from Councillors, as stated in Standing Orders 25, 26 and 27.   There were no questions.

06/41               Dartmoor National Park Authority Consultative Fora and the Community Forum. The Clerk circulated these documents for advice.

06/42               Survey of outdoor sport and play provision within Devon. The Clerk circulated a report on outdoor sport and play provision within Devon to which the Council had contributed.

06/43               Dartmoor National Park Authority Local Development Framework: Public Participation. Councillor Pillar drew the Council’s attention to a passage in this document that he thought would be helpful to parishioners considering whether or not to apply for planning permission.  It was agreed by all that this information should be submitted to the Beacon for publication.

06/44               South Zeal Street Cleaning Schedule. The Clerk had received notification of the dates on which the mechanical street cleaner would be visiting the parish.  It was agreed by all that this should be submitted to the Beacon for publication.  The Clerk was asked to contact West Devon Borough Council to suggest that sometime around 2 pm would probably be the best time for these visits to occur.

06/45               Devon Calor Village of the Year Competition.

06/46               Campaign to Protect Rural England and Mole Valley Farmers Best Kept Village in Devon.  The Council decided that they did not wish to pursue these invitations at the moment.

06/47               Royal Garden Party.  Invitation to nominate individuals to attend. The Council agreed to forward Councillor Souness’s name to be included in the ballot of places.

06/48               Training Courses.  The Clerk presented leaflets on a range of training courses for Councillors.

06/49               Information from Mr I Brooker (Dartmoor Ranger) on Bridleway 57.  The Clerk informed the Council that he had received information from Mr I Booker, Dartmoor Ranger, stating that Mr and Mrs Thould had been granted permission for a High Court judicial review of the matter relating to South Tawton Bridleway 57.

06/50               Various separate matters brought to the Clerk’s attention by  Mrs M West, Mr C Darken, Mr J Perrin and Mr M Wimberley.

      1. Mrs M West.  Mrs West had contacted the Clerk to observe that temporary plastic fencing had been erected, closing off the old garage fore-court at Ford Cross.  She was concerned that, as this was a stopping point for school and other bus services which had been using this space to pick up and discharge passengers, children and others were now being placed at risk.  After discussion, the Clerk was instructed to write to Devon County Council Transport Coordination Department to ask them to review the situation.


      1. Mr C Darken.  Mr Darken had asked the Clerk about wooden fencing that had been erected on the left side of the Tarka Trail near where that footpath joins the ‘back road’ between South Zeal and Sticklepath.  On advice from Councillor Cann, the Clerk was able to inform Mr Darken that this site lay within Sticklepath Parish and that he should therefore direct his enquires to the Sticklepath Parish Council.
      1. Mr J Perrin.  It had come to the Clerk’s notice that Mr Perrin was concerned about road noise generated by the concrete stretch of the A30 West of Merrymeet roundabout.  The Clerk reported to the Council that he had forwarded to Mr Perrin a copy of the letter sent from the Council to Amey Infrastructure Services asking them to have regard for this problem on the A30. 


      1. Mr M Wimberley.  Mr Wimberley had contacted the Clerk and a Councillor to discuss the power lines which are suspended very close to his property in Ramsley Lane.  He had kindly supplied photographs to emphasise how intrusive he considered these to be.  Mr Wimberley reported that he is in negotiation with Western Power Distribution, seeking the re-routing of these lines to reduce their visual impact. He pointed out that the lines must affect about three other properties in Ramsley Lane.  As it would seem unlikely that the company would undertake this work until 2012 at the earliest, Mr Wimberley was minded to commission the work himself.  He asked if the Council would consider helping him to defray the expense, arguing that this could be considered a Parish matter since several properties were affected. 

However, after discussion, the Council agreed that they could not countenance such use of public monies.  Nonetheless, the Council wished to support Mr Wimberley’s application to Western Power Distribution and would take steps to do so.  It was also pointed out that if the Dartmoor National Park Authority’s published plans to include Ramsley in the South Zeal Conservation Area were accepted then the Authority might have a sympathetic view of the matter.  As advertised, these plans, and those for South Tawton, will be on display in the Victory Hall between 10 am and 12 pm on Saturday 25th March.

The organisation of the Community Morning on Saturday March 25th

06/51               The Clerk outlined the plans for the Community Coffee morning which will be held in the Victory Hall on Saturday 25th March.  Councillors J White and Pillar volunteered to help on the day.  An advertisement detailing the content of this morning had been submitted to the Beacon for the March publication.  It was agreed that this would be an opportunity for Councillors to make themselves available to discuss matters with parishioners and to see and comment on the drafts of the South Zeal and South Tawton Conservation Area Appraisals produced by Dartmoor National Park Authority.

Conservation Area Appraisal.  Discussion and comment. 

06/52               Councillors discussed the documents, in particular the recommendations for changes to the Conservation Areas.  It was proposed by Councillor Pillar and seconded by Councillor Tilley that these recommendations be accepted.  Agreed, by majority decision.  There were no observations on change or alteration to the rest of the documentation.  As described in 06/51, these drafts will be on public display in the Victory Hall on Saturday March 25th.

Proposal to modify Standing Order 77 (1) (e) on the financial control of contracts

06/53               Councillors considered the proposals to modify this Standing Order and the attendant changes to Order 54 (2).  After further adaptation, acceptance of these modifications was proposed by the Chairman, Councillor A White, seconded by Councillor J White and agreed by all.  The Clerk will produce a full list of all the alterations made to Standing Orders and circulated this to all Councillors with the agenda for the next meeting.

Report on Councillors’ Expenses.

06/54               The Clerk informed Council that the request to consider Travel and Remuneration Expenses would be heard by the Independent Remuneration Panel on March 1st.  The Clerk also advised the Council that Carers’ Allowances could not be awarded to Parish Councils.

06/55               DNPA 0038/06 Mr G.F Gore, The Boat House, Pangbourne
Certificate of Lawfulness in respect of the use of forestry store as residential at Gralerie Wood, South Tawton.
                        The Council stated that they had no evidence of anyone resident on this site and strongly reiterated their view that to their knowledge no permission had ever been granted except, in their remembrance, for a small store for machinery and wood.  The Council does not support any application whatsoever that would lead to the granting of a Certificate of Lawfulness in respect of the use of any structure at this site being considered residential.

06/56               WDBC 8557/2006/OKE.  Hayrish Ltd. Taw Barton, Taw Green, Okehampton
Erection of first floor extension. 

The Council agreed to support this application.  There are no objection from the immediate neighbours.

06/57               DNPA 0091/06  Mr and Mrs M Bazeley, Stoneley Cottage, South Zeal
Erection of conservatory on existing patio at rear of property. 

The Council agreed to support this application.  There are no objection from the immediate neighbours.

06/58               DNPA  0092/06  Ms D Bailey and Mr B Radford, Poltimore, South Zeal
Renewal of permission ref. 0305/00 to replace sub-standard holiday unit with new two-storey holiday unit on same site.  Use to be ancillary to the main guest house. 

The Council agreed to support this application.

06/59               DNPA  ENF/0349/04  Moorlands Barn, Whiddon Down.  
Town and Country Planning Act 1990.  Appeal on behalf of Mr P. Pavitt.  Invitation to the Parish Council to comment. 

The Council strongly endorse their original comment on this matter (September 2005) which was to support the view of Dartmoor National Park Authority that appropriate legal action be authorised to secure the removal of the mobile home, shed and shipping container from the land.


06/60               WDBC 8349/2005/OKE  Michael Thorn Construction for I.G.E.R., North Wyke, Okehampton
Replacement silage storage clamps and building

06/61               WDBC 8417/2006/OKE and 8418/2006/OKE, Planning and Listed Building Lovaton Farm South Tawton
Renewal of 1007/2000/OKE for restoration of former farmhouse back to dwelling.
Granted, with various conditions concerning schedule of work and details of finish

06/62               WDBC 8250/2005/OKE  Renewable Energy Systems UK Ltd. Den Brook, Itton Moor.

To erect 9 wind turbines, electricity transformers, control building, wind monitoring mast, access tracks, crane hardstandings and associated works, plus a temporary construction compound and two temporary wind monitoring masts.

The application was refused by the Planning and Licensing Committee on 31st January 2006 for the following reasons:

  1. The proposal will have a severely adverse visual impact on the local landscape and as such the proposal is considered to be contrary to the advice given in PPS22, Devon County Structure Plan 2001-2016… (Policies listed).
  1. The proposal is, by reason of excessive visual dominance and intrusion, detrimental to the amenity of nearby residents contrary to Devon County Structure Plan 2001-2016… (Policies listed).
  1. The application provides insufficient information for the local planning authority to be adequately assured that the development could be carried out without causing unacceptable detriment to the historic environment contrary to Devon County Structure Plan 2001-2016… (Policies listed)


06/63               Councillor Cann kindly volunteered to help Councillor Pillar assess the Planning Applications for the next month.



Victory Hall Committee

Hire Committee room for 06

 £   36.00



South West Water (Post Office Ltd.)

Water and Sewerage

 £ 296.27



Travis Perkins Trading

Repairs to toilets-tiling

 £   63.58



Mr P Squires

Toilet cleaning. January

 £   82.25




06/64               It was pointed out that the large increase in the Water and Sewerage charge shown for 5th February had been the result of vandalism to the toilet pipe work.  It was observed by Councillor C White that South West Water might look with favour on a request for reimbursement, given the circumstances, and the Clerk was instructed to approach the company.  Proposed by Councillor Souness and seconded by Councillor Cann, the accounts were adopted  by all.

Tiling repair to the toilets in the Recreation Ground

06/65               Under Standing Order 54, repairs to the tiling in the toilets, caused by vandalism, had been carried out by the Chairman, Councillor A White to whom the Council gave a vote of thanks for undertaking to do this work himself.

Estimate for Mr T Sanderson for grass-cutting in 2006

06/66               The Clerk reported that Mr Sanderson had supplied an estimate of £130, a slight increase, for the grass-cutting in South Zeal for 2006.  All agreed to accept this new quotation.

Report from the South Tawton Parish Flood Defence Group and request for funding for clearing shillet traps in the Recreation Ground.

06/67               The Clerk, as Chair of the South Tawton Flood Defence Group, outlined the latest developments to help alleviate the flooding problems at the foot of the village.  The most important of these is the action, organised by the Borough Engineer, Mrs T Windermer, to have the 4 pipes that cross the floor of the culvert diverted or removed.

                        After discussion Councillor Cann proposed and Councillor Tilley seconded the proposal to fund the clearing of the shillet traps in the Recreation Ground.  All agreed.

                        The meeting ended at 9.25 pm