Gardens needed
Last year Hospiscare launched its first Open Gardens, with 20 proud gardeners opening their grounds to the public and raising a staggering £6500 for the charity. This year the organisers are looking for more gardens, small and beautiful or large and stately - all have an interesting story to tell. Hospiscare advertise the location and date, garden owners collect the donations and share their handiwork with others. Opening a normally private garden and greeting members of the public can be hard work but it's great fun, and it can be as small or large an event as participants wish. Anyone that would like to help Hospiscare in this way or who would like further information should please contact Vicky Lachenicht on 01392 688063 or email
Cartridge Recycling
Parishioners and business people around the area can help South Tawton County Primary School
while helping the environment also by recycling any inkjet cartridges that expire in their machines. Friends, family, office and factory workers, just about everyone that uses ink jet cartridges can help because for every cartridge that the school sends to Tesco, the school will receive 10 vouchers in return to go towards its collection for ICT equipment. Staff in the school office will be pleased to receive cartridges from any source and the assistance of every donor will be appreciated.
Encounter Industrial Archaeology
The popular series of evening Encounters being staged in the ancient and recently refurbished Church House, South Tawton, continues on Thursday, 27th April. At 7.30pm that evening Paul Rendell
will be leading his audience towards a close encounter with the Industrial Archaeology of Dartmoor which promises to look beneath the surface of the moorland that is known and enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.
Garden Club
South Tawton Garden Club is holding its AGM on Thursday 27th April at 7.30pm, in Belstone Village Hall. All are welcome to attend and the meeting not only provides visitors and potential new members to learn of the club’s plans for the future but to also to share with members the talk being given by Andrew Spilsbury on Pinks and Dianthus.
Dawn chorus walk
Anyone getting to the Village Hall at Belstone by 5.30am on Saturday morning 29th April with binoculars and big boots or wellies at the ready will be in time for this year's Dawn Chorus walk around Brenamoor, Priestacott woods, West Cleave, Watchet Hill and Birchy Lake. A cold February and March may mean migrants arrive late but chiffchaff, willow warbler, blackcap, swallow, house martin should be here. Swifts may be just arriving, as they did last year, and the first cuckoo also. There is always the chance of a rarity - dotterel, red kite, hobby, merlin, marsh harrier, red-legged partridge, water rail, jack snipe, barn owl, nightjar, lesser spotted woodpecker, waxwing, grasshopper warbler, whitethroat, firecrest, black redstart, willow tit, crossbill and ring necked parakeet have all been reported in the parish in the last decade. Whatever is seen or heard the walk is sure to be a treat for the senses. The morning is rounded off with cereals, bacon rolls, scones and hot drinks in the Village Hall. Sorry, no dogs. Wear stout footwear. Donations will be accepted in aid of Hall funds.
Open Garden
Andrew's Corner Garden, Skaigh Lane, Belstone, open 2.30-5.30pm Sunday 30th April.
Bangers & Mash
Bangers and mash are on the menu in Charter Hall, Okehampton on Saturday 29th April at a special lunch 12-30pm for 1.00pm. Tickets are £6.50p each, all are welcome, and full details can be obtained by calling 01837 52926 or 01837 54194
Best Kept Village
Drewsteignton has been entered for the Best Kept Village competition. Now that the telephone kiosk in the square has received a make-over, there is nothing to stop the village winning. Judging will take place during May and June, with finalists being judged in July.
Parish Plan
Drewsteignton Parish Council has applied for funding from DEFRA and West Devon Borough Council to undertake a Parish Plan. If successful, work will start in May, with informal open evenings to raise awareness and recruit volunteers.
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