I often find that, after all hiatus and excitement over Christmas and the New Year, I go into reclusion for the first few months of the year; and this year has been no exception. I would like to feel all sorry for myself, but to be honest, it’s a bit difficult when no one notices, so I think I’ll give it up!
The first, and most important, bit of news is of course that Paul and Fi have a brand new daughter: Amy Laura! I have heard so many people talking about this terrific event that it seems superfluous to congratulate them again … but what the heck!
Congratulations Paul and Fi!

Who could have imagined that their worlds would change so much over two years? I rather suspect that Amy is going to be the apple of her Dad’s eye! Paul and Fi have years of pleasure before them watching her grow and develop if my experience is anything to go by.
Just before the end of 2005 we had a great time (this is with my Moor Harmony hat on) in a joint concert with the Hatherleigh Silver Band. There has been no report of this so let me be the first and last to provide one, of sorts, by means of some pictures which Paul Reddaway took for me. I think we all enjoyed it so much that we may try to repeat it next year.
We are currently rehearsing: Byrd (Mass for Four Voices), Handel (part of The Coronation Anthems) and Britten (Five Flower Songs). We are at the hard slog note bashing stage at the moment, so we are getting the annual anxieties about how difficult it is – but too easy is dull; we need to be challenged.
Personally, I don’t much care for Britten but my experience tells me that I learn and understand much more from intimacy with a work and I suspect I will grasp what the Flower Songs are all about! As an example, before I sang it (to my shame) I hated Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast. Now it sends shivers up my spine when I listen to it – for the right reasons!
Then there was a bit of 12th night (or thereabouts) brawling at the Devonshire and the Tors where we had an excellent and somewhat uproarious lunch – thanks Ann!
I ventured out again for the Belstone pantomime, which I have written about in The Beacon and in relation to which many pictures have appeared on this website already.
I also went to the Sticklepath Music Hall evening about which I have also written in The Beacon.
Ian Bowkley took these pictures of the Music Hall performers. They may also be considered in conjunction with my Beacon review. Suffice it to say that the evening was great fun, and revealed quite a lot about some Sticklepathians – in more ways than one, as those that know will understand!
Then there was Nick’s **th birthday party on the 18th February in the Victory Hall. An excellent evening with ‘Tickled Pink’ as the band if I recall correctly – well I had a bit of a headache the next day for some reason so I may be wrong. I didn’t see anyone from the party for several days thereafter. I leave the pictures to speak for me while I put a damp cloth on my forehead.
The last note is in relation to the topping of various trees around the Recreation Ground. A dozen or so worthy souls turned up to help encouraged by hot dogs, burgers, beer and cider.
The most interesting thing was the shredder, the meanest beast I have seen for some time. It had a huge hopper with vicious crushing rollers, like jaws, at the end of it that opened out to grasp the proffered trunk. Once it had it gripped, the engine roared, a fearful rasping, grating, searing and shrieking sound was emitted and twenty feet of 6 inch trunk was dragged remorselessly through, twisting and thrashing as if it suffered the most agonizing pain, and half inch shreddings were spat out at the other end.
Issy wouldn’t go anywhere near it (ah hem you had blood all over your face (Issy)) and I don’t blame her. I had half a mind to become a vegetarian by way of appeasement - though I couldn’t quite see the connection.
My pictures (of this) are still in the camera as I haven’t ‘gone’ digital yet so maybe there will be something to see next month.
Robin  |
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