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Beacon Villages Journal
Belstone News from Chris Walpole

Belstone in February

Belstone view

Diary Dates for March and beyond

Thursday 9 March: Belstone Community Cafe welcomes everybody to its Third Birthday Teaparty in the Village Hall 9.30 to 12.30.  The cheapest coffee in the region!  The best cakes!  Belstone Post Office also open.   

Tuesday 7 March and every Tuesday: Belstone Arts & Crafts Group welcomes any artist or craftsperson to the Village Hall to practise their art 9.30 to 12.30 in congenial company, on a regular or occasional basis.  Belstone Post Office also open.

Saturday 11 March: Compassworks course "Intro to GPS" in Belstone Village Hall.  Contact Dave Hawkins on 01566 783236

Sundays 19 & 26 March and 2 & 9 April, noon-1pm, Belstone Cricket Club starts the season with indoor nets at Okehampton Sports & Leisure Centre – new players very welcome.  The Club’s website has a permanent new address – www.belstonecricket.co.uk.

Thursday 23 March: South Tawton Garden Club presents Mr Caradoc Doy talking on "Famous Plants introduced by the Veitch Nurseries of Exeter and Chelsea".  7.30 Belstone Village Hall.  All welcome (members free, visitors £1)

Friday 24 March: Belstone Ladies' Club Ploughman's Lunch in the Village Hall, with stalls and raffle.  Noon-2pm, £2.50 entrance fee.  Held in aid of the Devon Horse and Pony Sanctuary, Manaton - www.dhaps.org.uk

Friday 24 March: Illustrated talk at 7.30pm in Belstone Village Hall by Mr Michael Ash "Steam's Lucky Survivors" will tell the story of various steam locos that have escaped the scrapheap to live on into the 21st century.  Entry free, refreshments available, donations invited for Hall funds.

Tuesday 28 March: Fun Bingo in Belstone Village Hall 7.00pm.  All welcome.

Saturday 1 April: South Tawton Garden Club outing to Cornwall's Spring Flower Show.  All welcome (but members have priority).  For details contact the Secretary on 01837 840498.


The Book of Belstone
The Book of Belstone In this fascinating and richly detailed account, authors Chris and Marion Walpole bring the history of their village of Belstone to life. Many people will know the village, as a starting point for walks into the heart of Dartmoor. Armed with this text, they can also explore the hidden corners and forgotten industries of a beautiful corner of the moor. From Beating the Bounds to Letterboxing, from Cricket Clubs to the Women's Institute, the authors cover every facet of the village life through the centuries, introducing the reader to a host of colourful characters, incidents and stories. The text concludes with a section describing every house in the parish.
This A5 soft-back book was first published in October 2002 and has now been reprinted, due to popular demand. It contains 194 pages, including 19 pages of black and white photographs and three pages of maps, graphs and tables.
Also available is a video showing Belstone events (Beating the Bounds, fetes, pantomimes, Jubilee celebrations etc) and day-to-day farming life between 1965 and 2002 (running time 2 hours 40 minutes).

Reviews of The Book of Belstone:
"Truly a mine of information about Belstone past and present ....... each time I have dipped into it I have found a new gem." The Beacon
"I consider it to be the best of all Dartmoor 'village' books of recent years." Dr Tom Greeves, Dartmoor Magazine
"Just about everything you want to know about Belstone can be found in this book." ***** Best Buy, Dartmoor News

The book costs £12.50 (12 pounds 50 pence) plus £1.50 (1 pound 50 pence) post and packing (UK).
video also costs £12.50 (12 pounds 50 pence) plus £1.50 (1 pound 50 pence) post and packing (UK).
book and video together cost £25.00 (25 pounds) plus £2.00 (2 pounds) post and packing (UK).

Overseas visitors can obtain the current conversion costs by clicking here - http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi

order or make enquiries (and for overseas p&p) please e-mail :


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