Film Show – Monday 27 March 2006
The last cinema evening before the spring and summer will be on Monday 27 March. The film has yet to be chosen and will be announced in the March edition of the Beacon . Flyers will be distributed and posters displayed giving details nearer the time.
It is hoped to restart cinema evenings in the autumn, probably late September/early October.
Entrance charge is £3.50, which includes a raffle ticket. Tea/coffee and biscuits are available during the interval.
Annual General Meeting
The Village Hall Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 28 February 2006 starting at 7.30 pm . The Village Hall Management Committee will report on the work being undertaken to improve the hall facilities. It will also be an opportunity for the committee to outline various activities planned for a more comprehensive use of the Hall. It is hoped that as many people as possible will attend to put forward ideas for improvements and suggestions for increasing the use of the Hall.
During the meeting it is also intended to show some video recordings of village events during the past year.
Adult Learning Classes
A variety of activities in the Village Hall is being organized. These are likely to include yoga classes, computers for beginners, circle dancing and cookery. However, no final decision has yet been made.
All these activities can only take place with sufficient people registered.
Computer classes for a maximum number of ten participants, beginning early March for a period of ten weeks, could be arranged for Wednesday afternoons ( 2 – 4pm ) whilst yoga lessons are a possibility for either Tuesday afternoons or Thursday mornings.
A trial of three sessions for circle dancing – “for fun, fitness and friendship” - is planned for Thursday evenings 16, 23 and 30 March under the expert guidance of Fiona Parr.
Finally, cookery classes could be arranged for Monday evenings, starting 6 March.
Anyone interested in any of the above activities should telephone as soon as possible 840757 either for more information or simply to register.