On January 16th, I received the following email:
I've just been reading your website as it is packed full of interesting and useful information. We are just starting to do a bit of letterboxing as a way to get us out onto the moor and adding a bit of fun for our children. I was interested to see you had a section on letterboxing, so decided to take a look.
I was reading about the 100 club, you say you have to be a member to get the catalogue, this is incorrect. You can purchase the catalogue from Tony Moore, 25 Sanderspool Cross, South Brent, Devon. TQ10 9LR (this information came from a book about letterboxing which I bought in Chagford), the cost is approximately £6 plus postage. I also tried using your link - have you tried it yourself, I found myself on a dodgy website for dating etc (or maybe this is a side of letterboxing we haven't heard about yet !)
I like your website and find it very useful, but I thought I would just mention the above.
Thank you
Clare Rowe
Devon County Council
I did some investigating, as I had not updated that page since it first appeared on the old South Zeal website. I personally know nothing about letterboxing and had taken an excerpt from a very good, informative site. I was horrified to find that the site is now a base for pornography and that this site had been linking to it! I quickly made changes and sent Claire the following reply:
Hi Clare, Thanks for getting in touch. To be honest, the page on my site is now several years old and, as it says, the info was taken from the then ****.co.uk site. In order to check what you were talking about, I went to my page and from there to the above site, to find that the name has now been hijacked by a porn site. You probably know but the genuine URL address is now http://www.dartmoorletterboxing.org/index.htm Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will be updating the page and also including the information you sent me. I don't know what your position in the Council is but it is probably worth letting them know the change of use of the ****.co.uk site as I did a trawl on Google and found that many tourist and local gov sites are still linking it! thanks again.
Beacon Villages"
This was followed up by:
"The updated page is now published on: http://www.herridge.co.uk/bv/page86.html thank you
Clare then replied: " Thanks for that, I've reported it onto our IT Liaison Officer. The link you sent me was a different one to another one I had found. The one I had found was www.letterboxingondartmoor.co.uk , this had some useful info, although both sites are useful.
Clare Rowe"
If anyone else finds any errors, bad links or has any suggestions for improving the site, I am always very happy to hear from you. Just email with your comments! (Menu, top right on any page)