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South Tawton Parish Council


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Held in the Victory Hall, South Zeal at 7.30 pm


Monday 23 rd


Monday 27 th


Monday 20 th


Monday 24 th

MAY (Annual Meeting)

Monday 22 nd


Monday 26 th


Monday 24 th


Monday 21 st


Monday 25 th


Monday 23 rd


Monday 20 th


Monday 11 th


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 12 th December 2005 at 7.00 pm


Councillor A White (Chairman)

Councillor C White

Councillor R Souness (Vice Chairman)

Councillor R Tilley

Councillor J Pillar

Councillor W Cann

Councillor C Curtis

Councillor J White

Councillor J Darch


Councillor R Darch

Dr P Brotherton (Clerk)


Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)

05/203 There were no declarations of interest.

Special Item of public interest. Invitation to discuss an application to build a wind farm.

05/204 WDBC 8250/2005/OKE Renewable Energy Systems UK Ltd. for Den Brook, Itton Moor.

To erect 9 wind turbines, electricity transformers, control building, wind monitoring mast, access tracks, crane hardstandings and associated works, plus a temporary construction compound and two temporary wind monitoring masts.

7 parishioners attended the meeting and the Clerk had received one letter from a parishioner in support of the application. The Chairman, Councillor A White, adjourned the meeting and parishioners were invited to voice their views about the application. After registering the views of parishioners, the Council agreed by a majority vote not to support this application on the grounds that the proposed construction of an ‘industrial site' was over-development and an intrusion into the countryside.

05/205 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21 st November 2005 were circulated, read and confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising

05/206 05/174 The matter concerning the pruning of the overgrown trees on both sides of Throwleigh Road beside Ramsley Common was brought up again. The Chairman, Councillor A White, stated that he had received a quotation of £80 to have the work done and that he would pursue the matter. It was proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor Souness that this should be done. All agreed.

05/207 05/175, 155 Councillor Souness raised the matter of the sandbags that needed to be filled and stored for community use. The sand and the sandbags had been delivered. Several Councillors volunteered to help do this on Saturday 17 th December at 9 am .

05/208 05/1852 In answer to a question about the proposed display area in South Zeal Stores the Clerk reported that Mr and Mrs Law had kindly agreed to the Council's use of part of the existing display on the left of the entrance to the shop. It was agreed that the Clerk and Councillor Pillar visit the shop and make recommendations to the next Council meeting.

Clerk's Report.

05/209 05/185 The Clerk reported that he had filled in a Satisfaction Card on the Parish Lengthsman's recent visit. However, Councillor Cann reported that there was some work that needed to be done near Stentiford Bridge and the Clerk was asked to contact Mr M Stoddart, Highway Maintenance Technician, to ask that this should be done.

05/210 05/173 The meeting between Councillors A White (Chairman), R Darch, the Clerk, Mr M Stoddart, Highway Maintenance Technician and Mr N Pogodin, Deputy Local Service Officer took place on Wednesday 7 th December at Addiscott to discuss the drainage problems. The work to be done was agreed. Mr Stoddart said that pressure of present work would mean that it would not be undertaken immediately.

05/211 05/177 The Clerk reported that no progress had been made on this as yet, but that he and Councillor Tilley planned to complete the letter to the Beacon soon.

05/212 The Clerk reported that he had received no response to his correspondence regarding the plastic milk-bottle bank in the Recreation Ground car park. He would pursue the matter.

05/213 05/183 The Clerk reported that he had received a reply from Mr P Delahoy of the Devon Heartlands Community Partnership to say that he would be most pleased to join the Re-cycling and Food workshop morning, tentatively planned for March 2006


05/214 Devon in Touch by e-mail. The Clerk reported that he had received an e-mail from the editor of Devon in Touch monthly News Round Up inviting Councillors to submit their e-mail address via the Clerk so that they might receive this publication electronically. Councillor Tilley said that he would wish to do so.

05/215 Eastern Link Committee Meeting. Report from Councillor R Darch. Councillor Darch reported that WPC Joanne May, the new area Neighbourhood Beat Manager, had attended the meeting. Councillors had asked if in future she would be able to give crime statistics specific to parish areas. He also reported that he was optimistic that a new chairman would be found for the Committee and that the possibility of the Eastern Link Committee being amalgamated with the Okehampton Committee, which he considered detrimental to our interests, would be avoided. The Clerk reported that he had arranged for separate correspondence be sent to both South Tawton Parish Council representatives on this committee.

Councillors agreed to discuss the following two items of correspondence, not on the agenda

05/216 Appointment of WPC Joanne May as area Neighbourhood Beat Manager. The Clerk stated that he had had correspondence already with WPC Joanne May. She had said that she would be happy to provide specific parish crime statistical information. Councillors agreed that they would welcome her to the Council's January meeting.

05/217 Letter from parishioner concerning oil tank at 1 Brook Cottage. A letter had been received from a parishioner asking the Council to seek further advice from the Dartmoor National Park Authority about this matter. It was agreed by all that the Chairman, Councillor A White, would encourage all parishioners who had a view about this matter to write to Mr N Savin, Planning Officer at the Dartmoor National Park Authority, copied to Councillor Souness, who would raise the matter with Mr Savin

Register of Interest

05/218 The Clerk distributed the individual Register of Interest to each Councillor who examined and updated them as was necessary. They were then returned to the Clerk with a signed declaration.

Dates of meetings in 2006

05/219 The Clerk distributed the dates of the Council meeting for 2006.


05/220 a) DNP 0492/05 (Jon Holmes) Mr M Harrison for St David's Equine Practice Ltd. At Moorside Stables, Throwleigh Road, South Zeal. Amended Plans.

Branch surgery to deal with minor procedures on an outpatient basis only - small extension to stables plus lunging area. Amended Plans.

The Council agreed to support this application.

05/221 b) WDBC 0906/05 (Helen Shobbrook) Mr P Hobbs , The Willows, South Zeal.

Change of use of two-storey outbuilding to granny annex.

The Council were minded to support this application but considered the plans insufficient to make an informed judgement.

05/222 c) WDBC 8349/2005/OKE. (Katie Graham) Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North Wyke

Replacement of silage storage clamps and building.

The Council agreed to support this application.

05/223 d) DNP 0923/04 Increase tarmac playground and re-locate car park at South Tawton Primary School , School Lane, South Zeal (Amended Plans)

Councillors Souness, J White, Tilley, Cann and J Darch declared an interest in this application

The Council agreed to support this application.

05/224 e) Land Taw Bottom, South Tawton – known as Gralerie Wood.

Enquiry from Dartmoor National Park Authority concerning ongoing enforcement case.

The Clerk read the letter from Mr K Bealing, Monitoring and Enforcement Officer, asking for information about this land and its owner in recent years. Whilst members of the Council had been given some information, in confidence, about the land-owner's whereabouts and activities, much of what was reported was considered anecdotal and the Council felt that it in the circumstances it would be improper to speculate.

05/225 f) Delegation Scheme in respect of Development Control.

The Clerk wished to seek clarification about this document and Councillor Souness kindly agreed to do so and report to the next meeting.


05/226 a) (WDBC) 8104/2005/0KE The Conservatory Centre for Mr and Mrs Sampson, Springfield Park , South Tawton .

Erection of conservatory


05/227 b) (DNP) 0790/05 Mr Murrin for Mr and Mrs. C Law, The Store, South Zeal

2 applications, one for Full Planning Permission and the other for Listed Building Consent

Barn conversion to holiday accommodation.

Refused. Detrimental to its character, unreasonably detract from amenity of neighbouring properties, generate additional traffic, limited visibility causing danger to road users.

05/228 c) (DNP) 0793/05 Mr. P Stanton, Exeter Diocesan Board for The Vicarage, South Tawton .

Remove bank and hedging on front boundary and form additional vehicle access.

Refused. Would require the removal of important hedgerow and result in development detrimental to character and appearance of this part of National Park.

05/229 Councillor Pillar has now volunteered to gather the information concerning the planning applications and present these to the Council at each meeting. It was agreed that another Councillor should be invited to help Councillor Pillar each month. Councillor J White volunteered to help with the January applications.



Mr Denford

Items for cider project




Mr P Squires

Toilet cleaning. November




Jewson. Sand for sandbags.

Bought by PNB and reimbursed




Yearly grant

West Devon Cit. Advice Bureau




Yearly grant

Community Transport Group




Post Office Ltd payment

Electricity up to Nov. 05 for toilets




Dr P.N.Brotherton

Clerk's wages Sept - Dec. 05




Dr P.N.Brotherton

Clerk's expenses Sept.- Dec. 05



05/230 Proposed by Councillor Tilley and seconded by Councillor J Darch, the accounts were adopted by all.

05/231 Councillor Pillar gave a report on behalf of himself and Councillor Curtis on the Internal Financial Control meeting held with the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer on Thursday 8 th December. He considered that everything discussed was in order. The Clerk asked that his remuneration as Clerk be kept as it is.

05/232 After discussion, the Council suggested that there should be no change to the Precept for 2006/7, set at the November meeting. All agreed.


The meeting ended at 8.45 pm .