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Beacon Villages Journal
South Tawton by Rosie Thayer
A view from the hen house!
photos by Rosie Thayer
  • I did not get out much in South Tawton in January so who knows what I might have missed! However I did get to a W.I. coffee morning at The Smithy. Each month a member hosts a coffee morning. Essentially it is a social time, a chance to catch up on each other's news and an excuse to get out of the house.

  • One of the topics of conversation was the new parking arrangement at Somerfield's supermarket in Okehampton. The nice gentleman who used to supervise the car park has now gone and has been replaced by security cameras. These however operate 24 hours and there were horror stories of people who had been fined £75 and £120 for parking there in the evening! It seems that lots of people have been caught out. People who in the past parked there if going to choir practice or a concert in the town centre. On a more positive note you can now park there during the day for up to two hours instead of one. So beware and take care!

Andrew Maries - Diocesan Consultant for worship and music





•  Church House oozed warmth and light and music on Sunday afternoon.

Classical music, Taizé music, modern hymns, old hymns sung to folk tunes…all part of a workshop on how to use music in worship during Lent and Easter. The enthusiasm of Andrew Maries who led the workshop ( Diocesan Consultant for worship and music- see photo) was infectious. Andrew wanted to play us some music on CD that might be appealing to teenagers but discovered that the box contained the wrong CD….oops!. His teenage daughter got the blame of course! At least it shows she listens to it.

By 5:30 the twenty or so participants were ready to tuck into a ‘bring & share' tea. The evening ended with a short act of worship that drew on the many styles of music and song learnt that day and Church House was a wonderful setting for it.



South Tawton post box with tomato on top






  • How bizarre! A tomato on top of the village post box....wonder how or why that got there? Anyway as February includes Valentine's Day I'm glad I've included something red! 'A gift of food is a gift of love'. I do hope my husband understands that sentiment and takes me out to dinner on the 14th. In case he doesn't take the hint I've been collecting the Times 'Eat out for a £5' tokens!!!! How bizarre I hear you cry?

The Seven Stars at South Tawton

The Shed
Cedric the rooster

Rosie has not told me what the story behind the shed picture is or what it has to do with Cedric. Maybe all will be revealed next month!


Every month I put up details of the church services and there is often a mention of Taize (see above). I had no idea what this might be, and seeing the word pop up again in Rosie's this month's article, I went to Google (font of all knowledge and wisdom). If you would also like to know, take the green link, Taize music, above.


South Zeal W.I. meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Victory Hall.

9 th February - Moorland Farm shop - Organic Meat

9 th March - Alan French - Spring Gardening

13 th April - The Earth Collection - Fashion Show

11 th May - Birthday Social - Sheila and Mike Palmer (Musicians)

8 th June - Dr. Tom Bell - Walking the Coastal Path

13 th July - Mandy Kenyon - CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau)

24 th August - Outing - TBA

14 th September - Geoffrey Weymouth - The River Webburn

12 th October - Rosemary Wedlake - Artefacts

9 th November - AGM - Ron Carter - My Life at Harrods

14 th December - Ann Hosker - Christmas Cracker Making (hands on)




Alongside the monthly meeting with speaker, members enjoy a range of other events such as coffee mornings, Cabaret, Carnival and Craft Fair. New members always welcome or pop along as a visitor (50p) to any of the above. For further information telephone Frances Hucker Hon. Secretary, 840347.

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