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I try only to include items that might be of interest to the wider community . For parental issues, please look at the School Site above!

FOSTPS – Auction

Thank you to everyone who donated items, purchased items and came along on the night to make this another successful evening – the total raised is approximately £1300.

Bag2School Collection

Thank you to everyone who brought in their bags – the total weight was 496 kilos for which we will receive a cheque for £99.20! We hope to arrange another collection for the Spring Term.

Lift to Exeter and return

Jo Royal will be going to Exeter most Monday - Fridays as from 28 th November to 30 th December, leaving Okehampton/South Zeal at 09.30/09.45 and returning for 15.45/16.00. If anyone would like to share a lift to do Christmas shopping or anything else, please ring Jo on 01837 659467

Wanted! - Volunteers to run extra-curricular clubs

At a recent school council meeting the children requested more clubs, especially 'hobby' clubs rather than the sporting and musical clubs offered by staff. Are there any parents who might be able to assist? The children's suggestions included - a cookery club, a board games club and a sewing club. Mrs Culverhouse will be running a Cookery club after Christmas - details to follow.


Shoe Box Appeal

Thank you to everyone who participated in this scheme - we have sent 123 boxes so far and they looked wonderful!

Yellow Pages - Recycling

Thank you for collecting these for us - we have been able to send 460 copies for recycling, a big increase on last years total!

Tesco Vouchers

Final reminder - please could we have any vouchers now the scheme has ended to enable us to choose an item from the catalogue to order. Thank you.

FOSTPS - Auction - Saturday 3 rd December

Reminder - please put this date in your diaries. We would be grateful for offers of promises - e.g. anything from a weekend in a holiday cottage to an hours babysitting - items for a luxury hamper, draw prizes and finger food on the day. Check out list of promises

FOSTPS - Thank you!

We would like to thank FOSTPS who have agreed our recent 'wish list' of purchases for school and will be funding the following items to the tune of approximately £3000!

* Bug Dryer for Y2 to dry paintings * Y1 Dolls House, Fire Engine, Fire Fighters and Pirate Ship * Design Technology - A selection of Lego Technic * Digital Cameras (1 to share between 2 classes, YR already have one) * Covered Play Bench for the playground * Visiting Performance/Workshops for whole school at the end of the Spring Term * Colour printers

Please continue to support the good work that FOSTPS does on our behalf - it means that we can provide the children with extra apparatus and facilities to enhance their education.

Please note we ARE collecting Yellow Pages but are NOT collecting ink cartridges or plastic bottle tops.

Car Parking

We have had a kind offer from The Kings Arms in South Zeal. They are happy for any parents to make use of their car park to the rear of the pub at the beginning and end of the school day to help ease the congestion in the village. Please make use of this offer.

Remember that the car park at the Recreation Ground has plenty of spaces with a footpath across to the main street available now.

Stamps for Hospicecare

Ursula Radford at Buttercup Cottage, South Zeal would be grateful for any used stamps, which she saves for Hospicecare. Please leave them in her porch.


COLLECTIONS - We would be grateful for any Box Tops from Nestle Cereal packets, Stars from Persil Washing Powder and used printer cartridges, all of which can be exchanged for cash/educational equipment.

PAINTING APRONS - Does anybody have pvc/painting aprons their children have gown out of? Classes R & 1 would be very grateful!

MATCHBOXES & OLD NEWSPAPERS- Y5 will be grateful for empty matchboxes to be collected during the holidays for a literacy project which they will undertaking in the Autumn term.

UNIFORM - We have reversible coats (waterproof/fleece) with our logo for just £15 each, available in the office, all sizes available.

BLANKETS/WALLPAPER - Please could we have any spare blankets/wallpaper for playtime use. Thank you.

PLASTIC BOTTLE TOPS - Please note that Chris Williams at Restland House, Belstone is now collecting these again


Persil Stars
Persil are running an arts materials scheme again this year, which we are taking part in. Please collect the stars from packs of washing powder, bring them into school over the next 10 months and we can use them to receive free arts resources for school. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to collect for us.

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