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Benefice of South Tawton with Belstone

Services December 2005
Please be assured of a warm welcome at all our services

Sunday December 4 th Advent 2

8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( modern ) South Zeal

9:30 a.m. Family Communion, Belstone


Sunday December 11 th Advent 3

8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( 1662 Said) Sticklepath

9:30 a.m. Parish Communion, South Tawton

9:30 Junior Church

11:15 a.m. Parish Communion Belstone


Sunday December 18 th Advent 4

8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( 1662 Said) South Zeal

10:00 a.m. Benefice Communion with Nativity Play South Tawton

3 p.m. Carol service South Tawton

6:30 p.m. Carol service Belstone


Saturday 24 th December Christmas Eve

Crib service 3 p.m. South Tawton

Crib service 5 p.m. Belstone

Midnight Mass 11:30 p.m. South Tawton

Midnight Mass 11:30 p.m Belstone


Sunday December 25 th Christmas Day

10:00 a.m. Family Communion with Carols, Sticklepath


Sunday January 1 st 2006

8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( modern ) South Zeal

9:30 a.m. Family Communion, Belstone



Hark The Herald Angels Sing


South Zeal Methodist School Room

Junior Church meets on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of every month in term time. From 9:30 am to 10:30 am

Phone: Elspeth 01837 82220

or Michael 01837 849048

All Welcome








Church House South Tawton

Led Advent Quiet Day

December 3 rd

10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

All drinks provided

Please bring your own lunch

Cost £8

For details and booking

TEL: 01837 849048


December 3 rd Saturday Advent Quiet Day Church House South Tawton

10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Telephone 01837 849048 for details.

December 13 th Tuesday Rectory Bible Study 7:30 p.m.




Baptism Theya Burcombe, Joan Hutchinson, Rosemary Pocock

Confirmation Joan Hutchinson, Rosemary Pocock, Jennifer Howard

The Autumn Fayre raised £645 - Thank you to all who helped and supported this event. Michael

Rectory Ramblings     December 2005

The old song says 'All I want for Christmas is me two front teeth'. Well, I had my bridge fitted in October and so that is one present sorted! What I really need is the ability to remember people's names. I never forget a face even if meeting someone had been brief and possibly years a go. Names are however a different matter and for me it truly seems the case of 'in one ear and out the other'.

I object to wearing a name badge at conferences and meetings or being called by my Christian name by complete strangers over the phone. This is not because I am a prude but because I always remember someone saying that however poor we are we own our name and it is our right to give it away and invite another person to use it. I always invite people to call me by my Christian name but it is my right to give people that privilege.

It is interesting how many people do not know the meaning of their name. I never like mine to be shortened for then it's meaning is taken away. That meaning may surprise some people, or rather that I was given it! As Christmas approaches we look to the birth of Jesus and remember that his name means 'God Saves'. The Son of God born in a stable had a real human name, which we can use in our relationship with him and in our prayers. The incarnation is about God's wish for us to have an intimate relationship with him. We are not called to be servants but members of a family with a Father at it's head who knows the number of hairs on our head and can call us by name. This is why Christmas is a time of true rejoicing.

A hymn by Brian Wren reads:

Life is great whatever happens, snow or sunshine joy or pain, hardship grief and disillusion suffering that I can't explain. Life is great if someone loves me holds my hand and calls my name so that I am open and I am free. 

I wish I could remember everyone's name. I rejoice at Christmas that in the birth of Jesus we are shown God's love and concern for the world and that in his love our Heavenly Father calls us all to him to share a personal relationship and he calls us by name.



Michael and Rosaleen wish you all a very Happy Christmas.


Quote of the month: 'To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand'. José Ortega Y Gasset.

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