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Beacon Villages Journal
Ursula's Corner

Through young eyes

Many people around the Okehampton area have helped to the Exeter based 'Christian response to eastern europe' charity (cr2ee). A recent Ottery St Mary school and Rotary Club initiative helped a young schoolgirl, Jenny Rhodes, see where the help of local people goes to in Moldova when, with cr2ee leaders went to stay in Baroncea with the Drab family who didn't speak English, but exuded friendship.

In her diary, Jenny's notes on the area include .. 'The houses, if you can call them that, are falling down and leaking because the people are so poor. I don't know how they survive. The way people are so positive about the conditions that they live in is amazing. There is one family who live in the smallest house size possible to live in normally. If you think of the size of your kitchen then I can guarantee that their whole living space is smaller than that. It is one room and six people live in it.' The Drabs did not have running water in their house, so Jenny experienced collecting water from the well which, luckily was only just outside the back gate so she didn't have to walk far like most Moldovans do. Food she found to be quite different; 'For tea we had cold fish. Heads, fins, eyes the works. I was cringing when I heard that they were cold but when they are on your plate staring at you it is a bit disconcerting! It turned out that I quite like it! The thing that went with it was horrid! I think it was corn mixed with water in such a gloopy mixture that it sat on the plate in a mound of yellow muckiness!'

But the reality that it took her new friends two hours work to buy a loaf of bread was also noted. Of a visit to Balti she noted; 'we went to a block of flats that stank. It was horrid. It gave you a headache because of it. There is no running water so you have to carry the water up many flights of stairs. It also means that there are no flushing toilets so you go outside where people can see you or in the toilet in the block that they unsuccessfully try to f lush with buckets of water. It was horrid. I don't know how people survive, and they were so smiley and happy despite their situation. We stopped off at an orphanage in Balti and saw the children there. They were ever so sweet but not the cleanest. The children have had horrid backgrounds, living on the streets, in sewers on the side of the road... One girl was meant to be in the 9th form but was moved up to the 10th because there weren't enough children to make a class. She didn't understand the work and was bullied because she had no books, pens or pencils.' More information on cr2ee can be gained from its website www.cr2ee.org.uk or by calling 01626 891945 or 01837 840547.


Bingo call

Committee members of the South Zeal Recreation Ground Association are considering holding fund-raising bingo sessions through the winter months if enough people are interested. Local people are invited to put forward their thoughts on whether bingo is wanted once a month, once a week or just how often, and on which night of the week most would prefer bingo sessions to be held. A note to Sylvia Hill, 2 Brook Cottages, South Zeal or a call to her on 01837 840253 will be appreciated.



Quiet day

Recently restored and re-opened, the ancient Church House, South Tawton , is the venue for a Led Advent quiet day on Saturday 3rd December from 10.00a.m. - 4.00p.m. All drinks are being provided but participants are requested to please bring their own lunch. The cost for the day is £8 and further details can be obtained or bookings made, by calling 01837 849048.

Silence is golden

Friends of South Tawton County Primary School hope for a budget boost to the school's funds when their annual silent auction takes place at the Victory Hall, South Zeal on Saturday, 3rd December from 7.00p.m. onwards. Further donations of items or promises for auction will be most welcome and offers can be made by calling Sue Wonnacott on 01837 840242. This is the school's most successful fundraising event so the organisers hope that the community will please give generously.

Housing progress

A letter to Sticklepath Parish Council regarding land at Willey Lane received from WDBC states that West Devon Homes have made progress on their proposal for affordable housing for part of the playing field site, owned by West Devon Borough Council. Planning, Highways and Drainage have been consulted and the best use of the site would be to position any housing on the front of the site, making it necessary to relocate the play equipment and reduce the size of the football area. Councillors expressed their concern at the proposal and the loss of facilities and questioned how 'local' would be the basis of allocation of affordable housing. Full consultation would be needed. It was agreed to invite WDBC to the next meeting of the Council and to hold a public meeting at a later date.


Christmas bazaar

Whiddon Down Methodist Chapel's annual Christmas Bazaar is being held in Whiddon Down Village Hall on Saturday, 3rd December at 2.30p.m. With plenty of pre-Christmas goodies to attract all ages, face painting, cakes, cream teas and refreshments the bazaar will once again offer local people and visitors the opportunity to prepare for the festive season while enjoying tea and a chat among friends.


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