Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 26 th September 2005 at 7.30 pm
Councillor A White (Chairman) |
Councillor C White |
Councillor R Souness (Vice Chairman) |
Councillor J Darch |
Councillor J Pillar |
Councillor R Tilley |
Councillor W Cann |
Councillor R Darch |
Councillor J White |
Dr P Brotherton (Clerk) |
Apologies received from Councillor Curtis
Mr Ian Brooker, Dartmoor Ranger and Col. Tony Clark attended the meeting.
05/88 Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)
There were no declarations of interest
05/89 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 22 nd August 2005 were circulated, read and confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
05/90 The Chairman, Councillor A White, read Standing Order Number 71 (NALC Standing Orders, July 2003, p27) to the Council to clarify the law regarding the recording of meetings.
Matters Arising
05/91 05/67 The Clerk outlined the correspondence that he had undertaken on the instruction of the Council and the replies that he had received regarding Bridleway 57 South Tawton. The Chairman, Councillor A White, welcomed Mr Ian Brooker, the Dartmoor Ranger, to the meeting, who explained the present situation. Mr Brooker reported that it had been difficult to contact the land owner. However, there is a possibility that the applicants of the Schedule 14 application may appeal the Inspector's decision to judicial review. Any such application would have to be made by 28 th October 2005 and the Council would be informed as to whether or not this had happened. Were the applicants to apply for judicial review then the Planning Inspectorate would appoint a new inspector who would conduct a new Review. It was agreed to re-visit the matter at the November Council meeting.
05/92 05/63 and 05/08 The Chairman, Councillor A White, welcomed Col Tony Clark to the meeting to discuss the formation and role of the proposed Parish Emergency Plan. Col. Clark kindly agreed to Chair a Working Party on this matter, to which the Council had appointed Councillors Souness (Vice Chairman), J. White, Cann and the Clerk. After confirming some aspects of the Working Party's approach, such as consultation with the community, the future delegation of operational powers and the model, based on the problem-solving approach adopted by the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary that Col. Clark would like to adopt, he suggested that he would contact the other members of the Working Party to arrange a time for an initial meeting in the near future.
05/93 05/69 The Clerk had received a further letter from Mr K Bealing, Monitoring and Enforcement Officer for Dartmoor National Park Authority, about the use of trial bikes on Ramsley Spoil Heaps. It was agreed that damage was being done to the Mine area, which is an important industrial archaeological site. After considering the advice and information contained in Mr Bealing's letter, the suggestions and guidance given by Mr Ian Brooker, Dartmoor Ranger and the implications implicit in the Commons Act concerning the legality of such use of Common Land, the Council, proposed by the Chairman, Councillor A White, agreed by a majority decision to support the Dartmoor National Park Authority's intention to 'bring about the cessation of this use of the land'.
To this end, the Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Fursdon, the land owner, seeking his agreement to the erection of two signs in the relevant area, stating that it is an offence to use the common for trial biking or (for) any other kind of motor sport. The Clerk was also instructed to submit a note to the 'Beacon' detailing the Council's actions.
05/94 05/76 The Clerk asked for the return of the document concerning the Commons Registration Act 1965 for Bude Farm, Sticklepath for filing.
05/95 05/77 The Clerk outlined the correspondence that he had written on the instruction of the Council and the replies that he had received regarding the maintenance of ditches, gullies and verges at Addiscott Cross, South Tawton . He reported that a letter had been received from Mr B. George, Local Service Officer, DCC, stating that the matter would receive attention as soon as possible.
In reply to a letter to Mr and Mrs Janes of Stone Cross, Addiscott, seeking permission to have the vegetation around the cross, a grade 2 listed monument, cleared, they had kindly volunteered to undertake the work themselves. They had also enquired about the possibility of the cross being electronically tagged, a 'chipping' process, which would allow positive identification should it ever be necessary. The Clerk has sought advice from Dartmoor National Park Authority and the chipping of Addiscott Cross has been arranged.
05/96 The Clerk asked Councillors to let him know if they knew of work to be undertaken by the Parish Lengthsman.
05/97 05/75 Neither of the nominated councillors had been able to attend a recent Link Committee meeting and so no report was available.
05/98 05/80 Councillor Cann asked Councillor J Darch for information about the progress of Planning Application 7869/2005/OKE, concerning the conversion of redundant farm buildings at Livaton Farm. Councillor J Darch stated that he thought that planning permission was now being sought for non-residential use, such as holiday homes or workshop units.
05/99 05/11 and 05/36 Councillor Tilley kindly agreed to report to the Council on the two documents "Local Development Framework" from D.N.P. Authority and "West Devon Local Development Framework Community Consultation. Community Involvement and Core Strategy Issues and Options" at the next meeting.
05/100 05/31 The Council discussed the need to visit Ramsley Common to ascertain the work that should be done.
05/101 Overgrown trees on Ramsley Common. The Council had received complaints about overhanging trees on both sides of Throwleigh Road beside Ramsley Mine Spoil Heaps. Whilst the complainant had offered to undertake the work, the Clerk was instructed to contact the land-owners. Councillor Pillar kindly agreed to help identify the owners.
05/102 Siting of oil tank at No 1, Brook Cottages, South Zeal. Following complaints from neighbours, the Clerk was instructed to write to Dartmoor National Park Authority to ask for their views about the installation of a new oil tank.
05/103 Police Authority Liaison Meeting - West Devon Area. Noted.
05/104 The Clerk had received a letter from Amey Infrastructure Services, who are tendering for the Managing Agent Contractor contract for the A30. They are seeking local views. Councillors wished the following observations and questions to be put to them:
i. The replacement of concrete surfacing West of Merrymeet roundabout would reduce the traffic road noise considerably.
ii. A major improvement would be the provision of slip roads both on and off the A30 in both directions at Hollacombe bridge to reduce the traffic through Whiddon Down.
iii. Is there an emergency plan in place for the management of a traffic diversion at Merrymeet roundabout if the A30 is ever closed to the West?
05/105 The Clerk had received an Housing Advice Poster which will be put on public display.
05/106 Devon Association of Parish Councils Annual General Meeting agenda. As no Councillor was able to attend the AGM the Clerk offered to go. All agreed.
05/107 Dartmoor National Park 'Scoping Report'. It was noted that a Community Consultation Event was being held at Whiddon Down Village Hall on Monday 31 st October.
05/108 The Clerk had received a request from Devon Talk for local information.
05/109 The Clerk had received notice of a Health Fair organised by South Hams and West Devon Primary Care Trust.
05/110 The Clerk had received a letter from West Devon Borough Council concerning the ownership of Public Toilets. Councillor confirmed that the public toilet in the Playing Fields was owned by the Playing Field Committee.
05/111 The Clerk had received details about a new web-site login and password for the Devon Association of Parish Councils.
05/112 The Clerk had received a copy of " Devon on the move. DCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2005"
05/113 The Clerk had received a further letter about the switch-over from analogue to digital television service. Councillors thought that it contained no new information.
05/114 The Clerk had received and distributed the following publications:
Village Green and Community Council of Devon pamphlets
DAPC Annual Report
DCC Working for Devon .
DCC Devon Talk
NALC Local Council Review
DNP News Release for August and September
DAPC Newsletter for September and October
WDBC West Devon News
West Devon Community Safety Partnership. Community Safety Strategy 2005/08
05/115 0631/02 Mr. Bennellick, Dependable Homes Ltd. For Quarry Farm, South Tawton
Amendment to permission for conversion of redundant traditional buildings to four dwellings
The Council agreed to support this application.
05/116 0679/05 Mr. D Youle, Managing Trustees, Church House, South Tawton
LPG and electric meter enclosure, Church House, South Tawton
The Council agreed to support this application. However, it was noted that the top of the cylinders would be visible from the upper floors of neighbouring houses and the Council wondered if the screening could be raised slightly to remove this concern. The Council also observed that work had begun before their observations had been received by the planning authority.
05/117 0492/05 St David's Equine Practice Ltd., Moorside Stables, South Zeal
Amended plans for branch surgery and small extension to stables plus lunging area.
The Council agreed to support this amended application by a majority decision. However, whilst agreeing that the long splay to the West would improve traffic safety, it was observed that this 37m of new wall would be a very dramatic change in this rural setting.
05/118 ENF/0349/04 Land at ' Martins Park ', Whiddon Down
Unauthorised mobile home in residential use.
The Council strongly support the view of Dartmoor National Park Authority that appropriate legal action be authorised to secure the removal of the mobile home, shed and shipping container from the land.
05/119 O631/02 Mr Bennellick, Dependable Homes Ltd. for Quarry Farm, South Tawton
Minor amendment accepted.
05/120 0416/05 Mr D Rice, Landscape Designs, Ladywell, Sticklepath for Battishill Property Ltd
Removal of existing concrete path and apron between gateways and porch and construction of new path and apron. Alternations to shed and adjacent garden wall, walled garden east of West Wyke .
Granted, subject to use of natural slate.
05/121 0548/05 Mr KJ Webber, Watershead Cottage, Shelley, Okehampton
Stable and tack room
Granted, subject to no discharge of foul water to watercourse.
05/122 7732/2005/OKE I.G.E.R., North Wyke
Erection of general purpose agricultural and general storage buildings
Granted, subject to prior approval of phased landscaping scheme and maintenance of same.
05/123 7816/2005/OKE Mrs E Reddaway
Formation of new vehicular access at Livaton Farm House, South Tawton .
Granted, subject to details to be submitted on boundary treatment, surfacing and splays.
05/124 Information from Clerk on Planning Application 7333. The Clerk stated that as a result of his enquiries, West Devon District Council had provided the Council with a Determination Notice for Planning Application 7333. The Clerk felt that this matter was resolved as far as was possible.
05/125 Councillor Cann kindly volunteered to help the Chairman assess the Planning Applications for the next month.
05/126 The Clerk reported that he had received the External Auditor's certificate for the Annual
Return relating to the year ended 31 st March 2005. The External Auditor reported that ".the information contained in the annual return is in accordance with the Audit Commission's requirements and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met." The Clerk wished to minute thanks on behalf of the Council to Mrs C Cann for preparing the Annual Return for last year. A Notice concerning the Annual Return will be displayed to the public.
South West Water |
Public Toilets |
£ 45.21 |
Mrs J Jecks |
For bunting. |
£ 67.54 |
Hiring of Victory Hall |
Trafalgar Day Celebrations |
£ 67.00 |
Mr P Squires |
Toilet cleaning. August |
£ 82.25 |
Mr K Ware |
Toilet door |
£ 123.47 |
Public Toilets |
£ 22.04 |
Devon Association of PC |
Copy of Standing Orders |
£ 6.00 |
Mr P Squires |
Toilet cleaning. September |
£ 82.25 |
Dr P.N.Brotherton |
Clerk's wages July - Sept. 05 |
£ 370.50 |
Dr P.N.Brotherton |
Clerk's expenses July - Sept. 05 |
£ 25.80 |
Mr R Souness |
Refreshments,Somerfield,Traf. Day |
£ 142.88 |
Mr G Healy |
Purchase of apple crusher |
£ 100.00 |
Oxenham Arms |
Refreshments, Traf. Day |
£ 115.00 |
Mrs L Pillar |
Consumables,Traf. Day (Somerfield) |
£ 8.44 |
Mrs L Pillar |
Consumables, Traf. Day (Makro) |
£ 35.59 |
05/128 It was proposed by Councillor J White and seconded by Councillor Souness that the accounts be adopted. All agreed .
05/129 Organisation of the Parish Council Accounts. The Clerk advised the Council that Mr David Capon had now produced a modified balance sheet for the financial year 2004/5. Now, thanks to Mr. Capon and Councillors Pillar and Curtis, the Council's Internal Audit Officers, the situation is clear. The Clerk wished to minute his thanks to Mr Capon and to Councillors Pillar and Curtis for their help.
The Clerk showed Councillors a system for displaying the current account transactions which would be provided for Councillors after each quarterly internal audit.
The Chairman, Councillor A White, proposed that:
i. the Council agree the balance sheet for 31 st March 2005.
ii. the itemised monies be transferred between the designated accounts.
iii. the Council accept the method for displaying the current account transactions.
All agreed.
Any Other Business
05/130 Councillor Cann asked that the situation concerning the possible removal of the telephone box at the Croft be investigated and also the box on Throwleigh road, which now apparently has been modified so that it will no longer take cash. The Clerk was asked to investigate.
05/131 Councillor Souness (Vice Chairman) asked that an item concerning a commemorative Trafalgar Day plaque be placed on the next meeting's agenda. The Councillors thanked Councillor Tilley and the other members of the Trafalgar Day working group for the excellent series of events held on Saturday 10 th September.
05/132 The Clerk asked that an item on Standing Orders be placed on the agenda of the next meeting.
05/133 Councillor Cann thanked present and past Councillors for the garden furniture with which he had been presented on Trafalgar Day.
The meeting ended at 9.30 pm. |