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Beacon Villages Journal

Wheatley Scenes  

Photos by Sue Wonnacott

This month has been spent preparing for winter - I have spent several days of my 'half-term holiday' pressure washing the sheds to ensure they are clean and inviting for the cows - which is more than I looked by the time I had finished!

The weather caught us out by changing within a couple of days so we hurriedly fetched the cows into their winter sheds,
we had hoped to keep them out for another week.

It was also time for the rams to start work, we collected all the ewes in, drenched them, checked their feet and sorted them into groups before putting them in different fields with their chosen partner! The rams are given a bit of corn once a day to keep their energy level up!

... and the cows looked a lot happier out of the rain and mud after their first night in the barn.