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Beacon Villages Journal
Ursula's Corner

Another attempt to remove danger

Another attempt is being made to remove the danger to children that has been caused by an area of ground in the South Tawton County Primary School playing field becoming a sludge pool. For over eleven years various departments of Devon County Council have tried many ways to move the sludge into a stream, some three hundred yards away, where with NRA approval it could be dispersed. But every attempt to date to move the sludge through relief ditches through private gardens and across a field to the steam has failed. The ditches become blocked with settled sludge and the pool of it remaining in the playing field, often almost as long as cricket pitch, twice as wide and in excess of six or eight feet deep, remains a constant source of danger to school children and children using the playing field outside of school hours. Responsibility for dealing with the problem was transferred by DCC to the school governors who also inherited the co-operation of neighbouring landowners, keen for over a decade to see the dangers to children completely removed. With limited funds however the governors hope that the present attempt to divert water from a spring away from the problem area together with more ditches will provide a solution to the sludge clearance that has eluded others for so long.


Almost there

Church House, South Tawton is a very rare and important building and with a large grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund it has been completely restored during the year to secure it for future generations. From the end of the month, it will once again be serving the parish and parishioners as it has for over 500 years during which time it has been variously used as a brewhouse, bakery, civic amenity, army store, revels and harvest celebrations centre, exhibition hall and meeting place for many. The multitude of activities it has housed predominantly provided funds towards the upkeep of St. Andrew's church and with the improved facilities it offers now it is anticipated that this lovely building will be used by many more people and organisations and thus help to secure its future.

(Details of official re-opening to follow)


Children In Need Appeal

South Tawton County Primary School children will be taking part in fundraising for the Children In Need Appeal by holding a Non Uniform Day on Friday 18 th November when children may dress as they like, for a minimum donation of 50p. The school has been given a large teddy bear by Sharon Connor that will also feature in the fundraising with children being able to choose a name for the bear, for 10p, with the winner gaining ownership of it.


Not child's play

South Zeal Pre-School will be the beneficiary from the Quiz Night being held in the King's Arms, South Zeal, on Sunday, 20 th November. The questions are not likely to be just child's play but those preparing for 7.30 for 8p.m. start to the event can be assured of a brain-teasing fun-filled evening.



Charities get together at Christmas fair

On Saturday, 19th November, the Charter Hall in Okehampton once again becomes the venue for the annual multi-charity Christmas Fair from 9.30am-3.00pm. Hosting the event is Lottery EX20, the local lottery that serves the Okehampton area which, as the fair organiser, is pleased to announce that among the many charities taking part are Hospiscare, Dartmoor Rescue Group, Cancer Research, Traidcraft, Macmillan Nurses, Devon Aid Korogwe, Get Changed Theatre Company, Okehampton District Lions, Force and the Okehampton Scouts In addition to the wide array of Christmas presents and cards that will be available there will be a special early visit by Father Christmas and seasonal refreshments will include mince pies and mulled wine.


Hall systems review

For the time being, the committee responsible for the terms of hire for Spalding Hall, Cheriton Bishop is holding the hourly hire rate at £3.50; although this will be reviewed in 2006. However, it is felt that there is a need to get booking and payment onto a better footing and the help of all users is being sought with this. Users are being encouraged to go through the proper procedure for booking in advance to avoid conflict and double bookings. Bookings should be made to Marjorie Sharland, initially by phone on 01647 24243 between the hours of 9.00a.m.and 9.00p.m. please, and where multiple advance dates are booked these should be confirmed in writing to Mrs G Sharland, Venbridge Cottage, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, EX6 6HD. Those making bookings must clearly state their required date/dates, their hiring start and finish times, provide a contact phone number in case of problems and the name, address and telephone number of the person to whom the invoice should be sent. Bookings for hiring of chairs, tables etc should be made in exactly the same way. Those who make regular bookings for several months are asked to please make sure they keep a note of when their booking ends, and renew as necessary. For their part the committee will ensure that invoices are sent out within 7 days of the end of each month. These should be settled promptly please as, from lst January 2006 overdue accounts will be charged an additional 5% interest per month. With co-operation all round the system should be of benefit to all those that use the hall that is of immense value to the community.

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