Beacon Villages Journal |
South Tawton by Rosie Thayer |
A view from the hen house! |
photos by Rosie Thayer |
Choirs of angels.......
The Choir of Exeter Cathedral (girl choristers and gentlemen) gave a delightful concert at Church of St. Andrew, South Tawton on 15 th October. They lifted the roof in the sweetest, softest most divine way with their selection of sacred music, old and new. The programme ranged from Mozart and Palestrina through to Vaughan Williams and a piece especially commissioned for the choir. Not a murmer was heard from the audience of 160 or so, not even about the hard pews, as they sat enraptured by the singing. The choir enjoyed a lovely and much welcomed tea provided by Sally Bailey during the intermission. This was a very busy time for the girl choristers as some of them were going back to pack for a school trip to France or other end of term activities. The concert raised £862 after expenses for church funds.
Line dancing scouts!
Jane Peckham, line dance teacher agreed to teach the scouts some line dancing as part of their programme of activities on October 20 th . As I live locally Jane talked me in to joining her (who could ever say 'no' to Jane!). Well, what a laugh! I'd forgotten just how loud and active young boys can be! Needless to say they thought it was all going to be 'cowboy' and 'yahooing' for the evening but were pleasantly surprised to find themselves line dancing to 'Sex on the Beach', 'Bob the Builder' and 'Show me the way to Amarillo'! |
South Zeal W.I
Please note that the December meeting of the South Zeal W.I has been changed from December 1 st to Friday December 16 th in Methodist Chapel, South Zeal. Visitors welcome (only 50p). The W.I. photo is of Marion Woods receiving one of the beautiful flower arrangements created by October guest speaker Margaret Ireland, as a raffle prize. I'm really looking forward to hearing Annabelle Reynolds on Harp as part of the November meeting. What a wonderful way to make the AGM more enjoyable! |

Queen of tarts!
Each year the local W.I groups get together in Okehampton for an Autumn or Christmas Fayre to raise money for their own activities and a named charity. South Zeal W.I 's 'Queen of Tarts' stall offered a wide selection of tarts both sweet and savoury, which not surprisingly sold out fairly quickly! The chosen charity for this year was The Cavitron Trust. They have raised funds to purchase the Stereotactic Radiosurgery Brain Lab M3 machine. There are only three of these machines in the world, one in Los Angeles, one in Brussels and thanks to The Cavitron Fund one in Derriford Hospital. Patients with brain tumours can be given potentially life saving treatment and be sent home on the same day because of this machine. Edna Hicks, local contact for the fund was delighted to have this opportunity to promote their work and accept a contribution from the local W.I's.
Church Autumn Fayre
The parish of South Tawton and South Zeal will be holding their Autumn Fayre on Saturday 5 th November in Victory Hall, South Zeal from 2 - 4 p.m. If ever you have been to one before you will know it is not to be missed! Excellent opportunity to pick up some bargains for Christmas, enjoy tea & home baking, meet friends, try your luck at Chocolate and Sweetie Tombola, scan the Bric-a-brac stalls for elusive antiques (we live in hope), stock up your freezer with home made cakes and much more. Michael's study is already looking like an Aladdin's cave and I want it all sold.. so be know you want to!
South Zeal W.I. meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Victory Hall.
November 10th - AGM & Annabelle Reynolds: Harpist
December1 st - Christmas Social-Shelly Chapel

Alongside the monthly meeting with speaker, members enjoy a range of other events such as coffee mornings, Cabaret, Carnival and Craft Fair. New members always welcome or pop along as a visitor (50p) to any of the above. For further information telephone Frances Hucker Hon. Secretary, 840347. |