Now It's Up to You !
This years Carnival is almost upon us with just a few weeks "build time" for the floats and costumes
In case you need reminding October 8th is the date for the big day and it's all up to you now to make the day a success.
The organising committee has been fund raising throughout the year and have arranged (or are now panicking) about last minute details.
Take Part
Download : Entry Form Terms of Entry
We need as many local entries as we can get to hold up the good record of attending floats we've had in the past and we know we have talented & creative people in our community !
Just come up with the idea , get a trailer or something suitable & go for it !
Walking entries are just as important and we always look forward to seeing the great costumes each year.
Our children's parade which takes place in the afternoon is known for the number of entries and the standard of competition ,so come on mums & dads lets get busy
Help Out
If you aren't going to enter a float or entry , why not help out on the day with the stewarding duties that we have to do . We need more help for just the 3 or so hours in the evening. Please contact Dawn 01837 840946 or Andy 01837 840443 if you can help and we will give you more details.
Watch & Enjoy
If all that sounds far to mush then all we ask is that you turn up on Saturday 8 th October to watch and admire all the hard work that's gone into the floats & walking entries and show your support for this community event by giving generously to the official collectors on the night.
All profits from this years carnival are to be split between the Children's Hospice SW & the British Heart Foundation so, dig deep & give all you can