Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, Monday 25 th July 2005 at 7.30 pm
Councillor A White (Chairman) |
Councillor J Darch |
Councillor J Pillar |
Councillor R Tilley |
Councillor W Cann |
Councillor J White |
Councillor R Darch |
Dr P Brotherton (Clerk) |
Apologies received from Councillors C White, C Curtis and R Souness (Vice Chairman)
05/26 It was the pleasant duty of the Chairman, Councillor A White, to present Mrs C Cann, the retiring Clerk to the Council, with a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Parish Council for her efforts over the last 12 years. Commemorative photographs were taken.
Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda
05/27 There were no declarations of interest
05/28 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 27 th June were circulated, read and confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
05/29 05/5 Mr Ware has been asked to provide a new door for the Playing Fields toilets which will be primed and undercoated and completed for the start of the Folk Festival at an approximate cost of £150. All agreed.
05/30 05/7 Councillor Tilley reported that is had been decided by the Working Group that 10 th September was a more appropriate day than 21 st October to celebrate Trafalgar Day. It was proposed that there would be a Trafalgar Day service in St Andrews after which Mr Boother's Band and other brass players would lead a procession from the church to the Playing Field or the Victory Hall, depending on the weather. It is hoped that the South Zeal Players will stage an enactment of the Battle of Trafalgar. Parishioners would be invited to provide themselves with a picnic and the Parish Council would provide refreshments. Music would be organized if possible.
05/31 It was agreed that the Trafalgar celebrations should be separate from the Mini Parish Day. The Council discussed the need to control the growth of bracken on Ramsley Common and the various ways in which this might be managed to both enhance access and preserve the habitat of the Pearl Bordered Fritillary. It was agreed that the Trafalgar Working Committee would investigate the problem and report to the August meeting.
05/32 Councillor Tilley also informed that the Post-Chaise would be coming through the village on Tuesday August 16 th . It was proposed by Councillor J Darch, seconded by Councillor Cann, that £50 be granted to support the purchase of special bunting for this occasion. All agreed.
05/33 05/08 Colonel T. Clark to be invited to the August meeting to discuss the formation, management and brief of the Emergency Management Team.
05/34 05/16 It was noted that the Planning Application by Ms. S Money and Mr. P O'Conner, 49 Station Road, Okehampton for the change of use of existing garage and forecourt to extend living accommodation and construction of new dwelling at Ford Cross, South Zeal, had been withdrawn on the advice of West Devon Borough Council who instructed that the building had to advertised as a workshop, for rent or sale, for 9 months before it could be considered for disposal solely as a dwelling.
05/35 Application to Transfer Justices Licence. (King's Arms)
Clerk received additional information that Application to transfer Justice Licence to Kings Arms included the name of Brid Patricia Fenton.
05/36 West Devon Local Development Framework Community Consultation. Community Involvement and Core Strategy Issues and Options Document
Councillor Tilley agreed to read these documents and report back on them, together with those from the previous meeting.
05/37 Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
Clerk received a timetable from DEFRA for implementing the provisions of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, which received Royal Assent on 7 th April, 2005 . It was noted that Parish Councils will be given new powers to improve the local environment, including the option to issue Fixed Penalty Notices, with a default amount of £75, for litter, graffiti, fly-posting and a variety of dog offences. Councillors agreed to keep these powers in reserve for the moment and await the issue of final guidance in Spring, 2006.
05/38 Switch off of Analogue TV Services (Letter from Secretary of State, Tessa Jowell)
Clerk received information advising that analogue TV for the West Country region will probably be switched off in 2008. However, the Government is committed to ensuring that terrestrial analogue broadcast signals will be maintained until everyone who can currently get the main public service analogue channels (BBC 1 and 2, ITV, Channel 4/S4C and Channel 5) can receive them on digital systems. The interests of elderly people and other venerable groups will be protected.
05/39 Mr James McInnes, new County Councillor (Dates of meetings)
Clerk advised that in response to a letter from Mr McInnes he had sent him dates of the remaining meetings for this year.
05/40 Devon Playing Fields Association (AGM)
The Clerk will pass information to Councillor Souness.
05/41 DNP News Releases (National Parks' Week)
The Clerk distributed information to Councillors
05/42 New Clerks Training Day
It was proposed by Councillor Pillar and seconded by Councillor Cann that the Clerk attend a Training Day for New Clerks in November, organised by the Devon Association of Parish Councils and that the cost of the course (£25) and travelling expenses would be granted. All agreed.
05/43 In Touch (DCC Monthly News Round-up)
The Clerk distributed information to Councillors
05/44 Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health
Clerk received a leaflet from the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health. There are a number of Patient and Public Involvement in Health Forums in Devon and they are looking for new members to gather local opinion on a range of issues, such as Foundation Status for Hospitals, GP out of hours services, dentistry, waiting lists and tackling obesity, as well as on more general issues, such as rubbish tips, bus routes and mobile phone masts. Forums have statutory legal powers to influence change locally and are looking for interested people who can spare a few hours a month to join in such work. Travelling expenses, child care and carers costs are paid. Councillors wished the Community to know that if anyone is interested, they should telephone 01392 332100 for further information or e-mail enquiriessw@cppih.org or visit the website at www.cppih.org .
05/45 Devon Local Access Forum (Annual Report)
Clerk received Annual Report which explains that the Local Access Forum advises Devon County Council on the improvement of public access to land for recreation and enjoyment.
05/46 Devon Association of Parish Clerks (Newsletter) and Clerk and Council Direct
The Clerk distributed information to Councillors
05/47 Eastern Parishes Link Committee Meeting (Thursday 15 th September 2005 )
Councillors discussed the Minutes of the last meeting. Councillor R Darch felt it most important that a vice-chairman be appointed and Councillor Cann reiterated the view that the amalgamation of Eastern and Northern Links could have detrimental consequences for Eastern Parishes.
05/48 Documentation for Signatories update. (Cheque signing)
It was proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor A White that the relevant mandate must state that three signatories would be needed to validate cheques and that all Councillors must be qualified to sign. All agreed.
05/49 Code of Conduct for Borough, Parish and Town Councillors
The Clerk distributed information to Councillors.
05/50 Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Devon
The Clerk distributed information to Councillors.
05/51 Community Cider Press (Grant)
Councillor Tilley explained that a group of Parishioners had acquired a cider press and were investigating the possibility of making cider, as a non-profit making venture, using apples supplied by the Community. Councillor Tilley stated that they would need to purchase barrels and an apple-crusher. It was proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor Pillar that £250 be allocated to support this undertaking. All agreed.
05/52 Councillors agreed to discuss a copy of a letter received by the Clerk from Mr. M. Stoddart, Local Service Officer, DCC, in reply to Revd and Mrs Smart of Sunnymede, South Zeal. Revd. and Mrs Smart had expressed concerns about 'Trees alongside the former A30 near Ford Cross South Zeal.' The Clerk was instructed to arranged a meeting with Mr Stoddart, Revd. and Mrs Smart and Councillors A White and J White to discuss the matter further.
05/53 Clerk received notification of Devon Association of Parish Councils Annual General Meeting. Councillor Cann asked that this be considered by the full Parish Council at the next meeting.
05/54 St Davids Equine Practice Ltd, Nutwell Estate, Lympstone, Exmouth
Branch surgery to deal with minor procedures on an outpatient basis only - small extension to stables plus lunging area at Moorside Stables, Throwleigh Road, South Zeal
The Parish Council agreed to support this application but made the following observations:
i. The site is considered to have limited potential for further development.
ii. The development should be screened and the access tastefully splayed.
iii. The volume of use stated in the application should be adhered to.
05/55 I.G.E.R., North Wyke , Okehampton
General purpose agricultural and storage buildings
The Parish Council agreed to support this application.
05/56 Mrs Thould, Rowan Close, Throwleigh Road, South Zeal
Minor amendment (fenestration details) to proposed extension kitchen and suspended timber garden deck
The Parish Council noted this minor amendment.
Extra Planning that Councillors agreed to discuss
05/57 Mrs E Reddaway, Livaton Farm, Livaton, South Tawton .
Formation of new vehicular access.
The Parish Council agreed to support this application but agreed that, as has been observed before, there should be no development on the West side of proposed road. Further, the Chairman, Councillor A White, observed that he was surprised to discover that an Agricultural Building had been erected at Livaton Farm about which the Parish Council had no knowledge. The Clerk was instructed to write to West Devon Borough Council Planning Department to ask for their observations.
05/58 Mr K J Webber and Mrs L J Morris, Watershead Cottage, Shelley, South Zeal.
Stable and tack room.
The Parish Council agreed to support this application.
05/59 Accounts
Phil Squires (Public Toilet Cleaning) £82.25
Proposed by Councillor J White and seconded by Councillor R Darch that accounts be agreed. All Agreed.
The meeting ended at 9.15 p.m.