Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 27th June 2005 at 7.30 pm
Present Councillor A White (Chairman). Councillor C White. Councillor R Souness (Vice Chairman). Councillor J Darch. Councillor J Pillar. Councillor R Tilley. Councillor W Cann. Councillor C Curtis. Councillor R Darch. Councillor J White. Mrs C Cann (Clerk).
05/1 Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)
Chairman, Councillor A White, declared an interest for item (G) on the agenda as Chairman of the Carnival Committee.
05/2 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 23rd. May were circulated, read and confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
05/3 Matters Arising
Letter of thanks received from David Capon for retiring gift as Responsible Financial Officer. Councillor Souness informed that John and Jackie Davey would take on role of Responsible Financial Officer and make sure books are prepared correctly each year ending 31st March.
05/4 Letter of thanks received from Councillor Arthur Madders' family for the seat placed in Recreation Ground in his memory.
05/5 Toilet Door. Recreation Ground
Councillor Souness informed that he had not received any quotes for damaged toilet door at Recreation Ground. It was now agreed to ask Keiran Ware.
05/6 Recycle Bin (Recreation Ground)
Councillors agreed to monitor use of Recycle Bin for plastic milk bottles at Recreation Ground for the time being. Councillor J. Darch to liaise With W.D.B.C to see how much it is being used.
05/7 Trafalgar Day
Councillor Tilley informed that the Working Group had a meeting and it was decided the 21st October would be the best date and possibly combine with mini Parish Day with work on Ramsley. The South Zeal Players would be asked to perform a re-enactment of the Battle of Trafalgar. There is a further meeting next week and any ideas are welcomed
05/8 Delegates to Committee
Councillor Pillar agreed to serve on D.N.P. Consultative Group. Col. Clark agreed to serve on Emergency Management Team.
05/9 Correspondence
Beating Bounds (Throwleigh Parish)
Clerk read letter received from Clerk of Throwleigh Parish Council informing of the Beating of their Bounds on Bank Holiday Monday 29th August.
05/10 D.N.P. Authority (New Committee)
Clerk received information that Nigel Hoskins of Yelverton was elected the new D.N.P. Chairman after Councillor Bill Cann stood down at the County Elections in May. Maurice Retallick is Vice Chairman.
05/11 D.N.P. Local Development Framework
Clerk received Local Development Framework document from D.N.P. Authority. Councillor Tilley to read and report back at next meeting.
05/12 Countryside Agency (Common Land/Open Countryside Map)
Clerk received conclusive Common Land/Open Countryside Map from Countryside Agency.
05/13 Clerk received information from D.C.C. on road closure at part of Vicarage Lane, South Tawton to through traffic for approximately 5 days commencing Monday 18th July for BT pole repairs.
05/14 Eastern Parishes Link Committee meeting
Clerk received minutes of Eastern Parishes Link Committee meeting advising Mrs Cosford remains Chairman and no nominations for Vice Chairman. The Link Committee expressed the view that as it was difficult finding Chairman/Vice Chairman. it could be suggested amalgamating Northern and Eastern Links which could have detrimental consequences for Eastern Parishes. Councillor Cann said it was important for Parish Council to attend meetings regularly and get someone to stand as Chairman/Vice Chairman. Dr. Nigel Padfield, Drewsteignton, to be asked if he would become Vice Chairman. Next Easter Links committee is at Belstone on 15th Sept.
05/15 South Zeal Carnival (Grant)
Clerk read letter received from South Zeal Carnival Committee asking for possible grant towards costs for this year's Carnival. Proposed Councillor Souness, Seconded Councillor R. Darch that £250 be given. All agreed.
05/16 Planning
Ms. S Money and Mr. P O'Conner, 49 Station Road , Okehampton
Change of use of existing garage and forecourt to extend living accommodation and construction of new dwelling at Ford Cross, South Zeal.
Parish Council did not support application because they felt is was over development with 2 dwellings and poor access onto old A30, but there was some support for the original garage building to be renovated.
Majority decision
05/17 Battishall Property Ltd., c/o West Wyke , Throwleigh Road, South Zeal (Listed Building
Removal of existing concrete path and open apron between gateway and porch of walled garden East of West Wyke and construction of new path and apron. Alteration to existing shed (former privy) and adjoining garden wall on Southern side including removal of door/fanlight and frame.
Parish Council agreed to support if built within Listed Building Rules
05/18 Extra plans Councillors agreed to discuss.
Mr. and Mrs. Holland, Hazeldene, Ramsley Road, South Zeal
Conservatory to rear of house
Parish Council agreed to support
05/19 Determination
Mr. and Mrs. B Woolland, Hillside Cottage, South Zeal
Two storey extension
05/20 Battishall Property Ltd, West Wyke , Throwleigh Road, South Zeal
Replace metal roof with natural slate with associated repairs, reinstate granite quoins and install timber doors on North side, reinstate door opening on South side, East Barn, WestWyke.
05/21 J W Perrin, Glebe House, South Tawton
Excavation of pond/small lake with further 3 ponds/pools.
05/22 Messrs A & J Wright, South Tawton Mill, South Zeal
Installation of solar collection panels.
05/23 Dr. J. Shaw, 14 Courtney Park, Newton Abbot
Erection of two sheds for livestock shelter and machinery storage, Yellands, South Zeal.
05/24 Accounts
Phil Squires £82.25
Clerk's wages £513.00
Clerk's expenses £61.15
The Parish Council agreed to pay for extra toilet rolls for Folk Festival.
Proposed Councillor J. Darch, Seconded Councillor Tilley that accounts be agreed. All agreed
05/25 Interviews of new Parish Clerk
There were two applicants for the new Parish Council Clerk, Jan Easterbrook and Peter Brotherton. After a very difficult decision Councillors agreed that Peter Brotherton
" should become the new Parish Council Clerk. Councillor A White thanked Mrs. Christine Cann for doing a splendid job as Clerk for the last twelve years and not missing one meeting. All agreed. The new Clerk was welcomed by the Parish Council, whose duties commence in July.
The meeting ended at 9.15 p.m.