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Beacon Villages Journal
Ursula's Corner

Twenty Five years of art development

Chagford Art Group celebrates its twenty fifth year with the annual exhibition of work by members being held in Jubilee Hall, Chagford, admission free, open daily from 10.00a.m. to 5.00p.m from Tuesday, 9th August until Saturday 13 th . The exhibition this year includes a wide range of work that includes landscapes, floral art, skyscapes and aero-art and naïve paintings that combine to express the varied interest of group members. Founded as a self-help group, members continue to assist each other to extend their individual abilities and encourage developing artists to reflect present-day progression in art and the latest styles of expression.

Meetings are held each week through most of the year in the pavilion at the Chagford Cricket Club with professional artists engaged as tutors occasionally and several outdoor meetings held during the summer months. Each member paints in his or her favoured media, oils, watercolour, gouache etc. which again adds to the variety of paintings that visitors to the annual exhibition can enjoy. Artists will be at the Jubilee Hall throughout the exhibition to discuss the work and the group's activities with visitors.

Trafalgar Celebrations

Two hundred years ago the news of Nelson's success at the Battle of Trafalgar reached these shores and a messenger, depending on horses, started out from Falmouth and carried the news the 271 miles to London following what was then a main road to the capital through South Zeal. Celebrations on August 16 th are being planned in the village to commemorate that journey when the New Trafalgar Dispatch comes through the village in its post chaise. This is likely to involve a picnic lunch and some flag-waving, with optional dressing up. Local children, parents and parishioners are invited to participate in whatever happens and to please get in touch with Jane Jecks by email, jane@michaeljecks.co.uk, or by 'phone on 01837 840589.

Successful chess

The interest in chess shown by young pupils at South Tawton County Primary School has been carefully nurtured by John Smart and Peter Brotherton and their endeavours to encourage the young players were rewarded when the school's chess team entered the North Tawton Chess Tournament.

Doing even better than at the earlier Megafinal in Tiverton the team came in second overall out of five schools and only lost to Chagford by 1 ½ points. Team and school thanks go to John Smart and Peter Brotherton for the time they dedicate to inspiring and guiding the young players and to the parents who provided transport for the team to the tournament.

Value from vouchers

Appeals to local people to collect vouchers from a variety of goods and give them to South Tawton County Primary School continue to bring valued results. Thanks to the response to an appeal for Tesco Vouchers the school has been able to order a Digital Movie Creator Camera and 'Roamer'. A request for Sainsburys Active Kids Vouchers resulted in the accumulation of a massive 10,733 tokens that allowed the school to order items including: A Rainbowchute, Target, Juggling Diablo, Orienteering Pack, Qwik Net, Stopwatches and various Balls. These will enhance playground activities. The effort made by token collectors is very much appreciated and sincere thanks from teachers and pupils are extended to each and every one of them.

More safety measures

The continuing regular use of Cheriton Bishop Village Hall was at the forefront of the organising committee's mind when the local Fire Prevention Officer attended their meeting to give a talk and demonstrate how to use fire extinguishers. During the informative talk several 'grey areas' that were lacking in procedures became apparent and the committee is now drawing up a brief instruction sheet which will be sent to all hirers of the hall on 'necessary procedures in case of a fire'.

Members realised that there are certain procedures that each organiser of events should be aware of, i.e. nominating a person to phone the brigade whilst another nominated person checks everyone is out of the hall - and that includes checking the toilets. 'No Smoking' signs have now purchased which are displayed in the hall and an 'assembly point sign' will be stuck to the green box by the hedge across the car park. Another purchase is a 'cigarette-end pot' which, full of sand, must be put outside the door at each function. This, it is hoped, will eliminate the paved areas being used by smokers to stub out their cigarette ends making the area look untidy.

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