Benefice of South Tawton with Belstone Services July 2005
Please be assured of a warm welcome at all our services
Sunday 3rd Trinity 6
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, South Zeal (Modern)
9:30 a.m. Family Communion, Belstone
11:00 a.m. Matins, South Tawton
Sunday 10th Trinity 7 - Sea Sunday
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( 1662 Said) Sticklepath
9:30 a.m. Parish Communion , South Tawton
( 9:30 a.m. Junior Church )
11:15 a.m. Parish Communion & Holy Baptism, Belstone
Sunday 17th Trinity 8
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( 1662 Said) South Zeal
( 9:30 a.m. Junior Church )
10:00 a.m . Benefice Communion, Belstone
6:30 p.m. Taize Service, South Zeal
Sunday 24th Trinity 9
8:30 Holy Communion, ( Modern) Sticklepath
9:30 a.m. Family Communion, South Tawton
11:15 a.m. Parish Communion, Belstone
6:30 p.m. A Service of Meditation with prayers for healing, Sticklepath
Sunday 31st Trinity 10
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( 1662 Said) Sticklepath
9:30 a.m. Parish Communion , South Tawton
11:15 a.m. Parish Communion, Belstone
Sunday August 7th Trinity 11
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, (Modern) South Zeal
9:30 a.m. Family Communion, Belstone
11:00 a.m. FOLK FESTIVAL SERVICE , South Tawton
July 2nd Benefice walk 10:30 a.m. from Belstone Church
July 6th South Tawton PCC 7:30 p.m. The Rectory
July 7th AN EVENING WITH THE MELANESIAN BROTHERS 6:30-8:30 P.M. GIDLEIGH (see Rectory Ramblings)
The future of our monthly Matins service will be discussed at the South Tawton PCC meeting on July 6 th . Please contact a PCC member or the Rector with any contributions towards this discussion.
It is hoped that the next Confirmation in the Deanery will take place towards the end of November - Date and Venue to be announced. Anyone who is considering confirmation please contact Michael as soon as possible.
Benefice coach outing to Exmouth August 27 th £5. Bookings to Michael by July 12 th . Trip will only go ahead if interest has been shown by this date.
Rectory Ramblings July 2005
There are time when we all live in 'anticipation'. We look forward to a special event, a visit from a friend, good news and sometimes the anticipation is as exciting as the realisation. Writing for the July Beacon in June finds me anticipating the Summer Concert and Summer Event. I anticipate that these occasions will go well. I cannot state as yet what money will be raised, but I anticipate the hard work of many people, which I am sure, will see the events proving successful.
With anticipation goes optimism. I remain optimist that people in the Benefice will be able to offer hospitality for a fortnightly daytime bible/prayer group, an hour or so when a sharing of faith can be enjoyed. I hope to hear from possible hosts very soon. I am trying to be optimistic for a repeat of the very enjoyable coach outing to Exmouth, planned this year for August 27 th . I MUST HAVE FIRM BOOKINGS BY JULY 12 th .
I truly am excited by the visit to the diocese of the Melanesian brothers and sisters. Twenty-four members of this religious order will be sharing their Christian faith and performing their particular type of music, dance and mime around the diocese. This group of South Pacific Christians has faced much opposition and as recently as 2003 six brothers were murdered as they attempted to dissuade rebels from their activities, which included torture and the burning of villages in the islands.
On July 7 th the brothers and sisters visit the Okehampton area. In the evening there will be a time of celebration at Gidleigh when we are invited to experience a presentation from the South Pacific. Please ring me if you would like to attend (849048). The event will take place between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. with a 'bring and share' supper. THIS IS A MOST WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY NOT TO BE MISSED.
Sometimes the focus of our anticipation can prove disappointing, the actual event not living up to its promise and the hope placed in another going unfulfilled. I do not believe that any of us who go to Gidleigh on July 7 th will be disappointed in what we hear and see, for the Melanesian brothers and sisters will in word and action tell us of their faith in God, a faith based in God's love for all of us, a love that brings fully a promise of joy and peace and fulfilment.
Bulgarian proverb: God promises a safe landing but not a calm passage. |